Chapter 9: How Could That Run Through Your Mind?

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Warning: Descriptions of violence


At 1:30pm, Paul and Geoff finally got around to chatting with Brian. While Paul was completely horrified and anxious, Geoff just seemed a little miffed. Of course, this was not lost on Brian.

“Ok, so earlier today, I noticed some startling injuries on George. He said there were some altercations involving you two, so I’d like to get your perspective on things.”

Paul sighed to himself.

“I did smack him. More than once. It was because I was getting frustrated about the song, I will admit. But I will also admit that I said some less than stellar things to him before smacking.”

Paul shuddered to himself, fidgeting with the ends of his sleeves.

“He must hate me. If not hate, he must be absolutely terrified. God, I fucked up. It kept me up all night, thinking about how I could just… hurt him like that. We could have always fixed the song later. It didn’t need to come to blows.”

Geoff scowled in confusion.

“I thought he hurt you. You were crying, and all you said was his name. Sure, I don’t regret beating him. But I can see how it would be a disproportionate response.”

Brian’s eyes widened in shock.

“So, to bring justice for someone being hurt, you BEAT SOMEONE TO A PULP?”


Brian just stared at the sound engineer in pure confusion.

“The sheer lack of logic…”

His confusion quickly turned to anger, and he stood up.

“Get out. As long as you’re putting my boys in danger, you will not be working with them. Take the day and think about what the fuck you’ve done.”

Geoff rolled his eyes and left, and Paul just sighed into the cold cup of tea that George had left behind.

“How the fuck do I make this up to him?”

“ want to apologize, don’t you?”

“Of course.”

“Here’s what works best for that: Tell him why you want to apologize. If you just say “I’m sorry” and don’t give context, it’ll be confusing. Then admit your mistakes and acknowledge how he must be feeling. Only then can you apologize. And you can always ask him to forgive, but if he doesn’t, give him some time and space. He may never forgive you, and that’s a possibility. Just… be prepared for whatever comes.”

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