Chapter 10: I Know You Can't Forgive Me

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Just after his meeting with Brian, George decided to keep to himself for the rest of the day and just rehearse the song to get it right, at that particularly tricky chord, he flubbed a bit, and a wave of anxiety crept all over him.

It didn’t spike until Paul came in, and George nearly threw his guitar into the bin out of fear.

“...hey. I wanted to talk to you real quick.”


Paul sat next to George, and George flinched at the sudden contact. But instead of a strike, Paul just rested his hand on the younger’s shoulder.

“I know I lost my cool last night, and I regret it so fucking much. The thought of hurting you, my baby brother… It's a pain I could never live with. I’m sorry, George. Truly sorry.”

George just sighed.

“I accept your apology. But forgiveness, that’s gonna take a while to come. I’m cool working with you and all that, though. Don’t get me wrong.”

Paul nodded.

“I get it. Come on, John’s gonna want us for the session in a few.”

“Of course.”

George grabbed his guitar and followed Paul out to the recording booth. His anxiety wasn’t completely cleared, and he knew that Paul was going to have to work to earn his trust back. But for now, he was feeling content and ready to do what he did best.

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