Chapter 7: What's Going On?

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The next morning was a bit of a haze for the 3 of them. George awkwardly joined Ringo and Maureen for coffee and a quick fry-up. Maureen didn’t question why George’s face was black and blue or why he seemed to move so stiffly, and Ringo didn’t want to have to explain any of that to his dear wife.

They made it to the studio by 1pm, each with differing plans for how they wanted to spend the time before the actual recording. Ringo opted to practice with Paul and John, while George decided to tune in a different room all together.

As George carefully tuned his guitar, Norman Smith and Brian showed up. They noticed the noise from the practice room and knocked, which made George jump a bit. He opened the door, however, careful to not reveal too much.

“Haz?” Brian asked. “I thought I heard you in here. Are you… behind the door?”

“Yeah. Why? Do you need to see me for something?”

“Well, I just got worried. You’re not with the rest of the band, and Paul asked about you.”

“...he did?”

“He did. He seemed upset, and I was wondering if something happened between the two of you?”

George shook his head, but moved to grab his guitar anyways. When Brian finally saw just how injured he was, he gasped in shock and backed away towards the door.

“George… what happened?”

“...nothing. Nothing major, at least. Just ran into a door or something, I can’t remember fully.”

Brian immediately took that as a red flag.

“Come with me, please. To my office.”

“Am I in trouble?”

“Trouble? No, not at all. I just want to know the full story of what actually happened.”

George sighed and followed Brian to his office.

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