Abyss: Time and Space

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Irony is omnipresent,
For we contradict with time.
A thin line separates memories and remnants,
The better of which resides.

Questions over existence persist,
For the universe is self-contained.
As infinite fabrics weave the mind,
Which is to stay and which to go?

In a state of delusional reality,
Would a parallel world be justified?
Hypothesis; it cannot suffice,
For my facades are testimony.

As I live in paradox,
An alter-self pulls over.
The universe manifests to be real,
Yet the infinite mind fails.

An alter-self I say?
One which fulfills my regrets,
One which contemplates mistakes,
One which is illustrious,
For some are thinkable yet irrelevant,
One which is anything but me.
Consciousness is then sought,
And a facade comes to life. Ironic?

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