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As I fall to my systems,
A stairway of concoctions comes to life.
Each of thee a reassurance,
Why so?
For I assume it's closer than it ever was.

A rhythm plays along,
One that ensures, that you "see",
Yet lack vision.
Thee gates flung open,
For instigated memories infiltrate.

Each spiralling deep into the abyss,
Yet never completely gone.
A mental black hole; the mind for once.
Reduced to remnants, yet a balance,
Alas, momentum is maintained,
An "accretion disc" of remnant thoughts,
Ones I have fed,
That consume me whole.

Off! That impulse,
A response to pulsar stimulus.
A search for a blank sheet is on,
Alas which came first?
The page of day?
Or the remnants patrolling the dark?

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