The inauguration

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Mara pov:
I broke away from Luke and went after Destiny, I finally found her at the playground that is near our house, she was sitting on a swing with her head down. her red and gold hair blowing softly in the wind, I walked up to her and touched her shoulder with one hand. "Hey...can I sit with you?,, "No go away I don't want to talk to you," Destiny told me and I looked at her guiltily. "Destiny..please-,, "YOU LIED TO ME,, "ALL MY LIFE YOU'VE BEEN DIDDING TO ME,, I was starting to get angry. I can understand her being upset, but she needs to be careful what tone she uses talking to me." Destiny skywalker rein your mouth don't lose your respect like that!!!,,

luke pov:
As mara broke free and left, I watched after her. I didn't want that to happen, but at some point the kids need to know. She's fine with that, but I can understand my wife too, she was right, we discussed before Destiny's birth that we'd keep it to ourselves. Leia and Han did the same to Anakin.

Jagged pov:
I was coming back from my "work,, I had just closed the door when Jaina walked up to me. "Hi honey how was work, she said and gave me a kiss. I could tell she was tense. "Well..but what's the matter why are you so tense?,, "Ruby has problems at school,, I was surprised, normally she was always good at school. "Okay, have you talked to your teacher?", "No," Jaina said, "Come on, eat whatever there is. Noodles with tomato sauce, I nodded and sat down. I had to tell the others about my plan, after all it's supposed to be The whole family to be there. After the meal I went to Ruby's room. "Hey dear how are you?, I asked her and she turned to me. "Well," she said, "I heard you're having troubles at school," I said, sitting down, I wasn't mad at her. "Yes, my work behavior and I'm not good in a few subjects, "You're putting your injury at risk, you know that, right? If you do that then you stay seated,, "I know,, "Well then that's fine, but another topic, ehm...can you keep something to yourself?, I asked embarrassed, "Sure, what's the matter?, "You do you know me and a mom have an anniversary tomorrow and i have something planned for her... i want to marry your mom ruby, so now i'm curious what she says. Ruby looked at me as if a ghost had seen her, but she suddenly beamed like crazy. "Really?,, "Yeah, what do you say to that?,, "That's awesome, but you still have to tell the others,, "grandma and grandpa already know, only the rest of the family is missing,, I said and hugged Ruby firmly, I then walked out of her room to tell the others that I was getting married.

Ben pov:
I finally got home after 9 hours. I'm fed up, I heard my father call. "Mara, is it Destiny you?!,, I had to grin "No dad it's me,, Dad looks towards the door and hugged me. "Ben you that, how was it?,, well I'm just broken,, the door suddenly opened and mom came in with Destiny. "Hi Ben," Destiny said and hugged me. "Are you okay?, my mom asked. Dad's cell phone rang and he looked at it, he was texting with someone

"We have to go to the others, jagged just wrote to me. we should all come over, he wants to tell us something, it's about jaina," my father said, and looked at us. "But it's nothing dramatic....or worse ,, he said to calm us down. "I'll just jump in the shower and then we can go," I said and hurriedly, I got dressed and off we went.

Leia pov:
I was cleaning the kitchen when the doorbell rang it was the others. And..Ben I was so happy to see him again, I hugged him. "Ben you're back,, "Yes since just now,, said the boy "Why are you all here?,, I was confused because everyone was there were. "Jagged texted us to come over," Luke said, showing me his cell phone, I looked at it and knew why. "Yes, he wanted to tell you something..he should be coming soon, sit down," I said and we went to the living room. I saw jagged coming and walked towards him. "Hey the others are here they are in the living room,, "Okay,, I walked into the living room with jagged, where he then greeted everyone. "Okay then let's get down to business as you know it's my 8th anniversary with jaina tomorrow and I have something special planned for her....I want to propose to her,

Luke pov:
Unbelievable. that's really no nice idea from jagged, that's why he wrote "it concerns your niece, I was so happy for them both.

Jagged pov:
"The reason jaina isn't here is because it's supposed to be a she doesn't know about her luck yet, I beg you to play along and not tell her about it until tomorrow night," I said seriously, and looked at ben too."You too Ben, Ben looked at me confused. "Ha, well, should I run up to her now and say. 'Your friend wants to propose to you,' he said to me and showed me the bird.

Ben pov:
Man ey I think he really thinks that of me. But I can understand him even though I'm single. I don't want to imagine how jaina reacts when she sees that, amazing... i come home after a long time and get to listen to it. Destiny pov: wow how amazing a wedding. That must be a nice feeling to see the love of your life in a white dress. I don't know much about love but I know that when you really love you would do anything for him or her. Like mom to dad and dad to mom, no matter what. "How cool it's going to be beautiful," I said happily to

Anakin pov:
I'm getting a brother-in-law. That's a shock to me, but I'm curious to see what my big sister looks like in a wedding dress. I had tears in my eyes, but got me of course I didn't let it on. I wish Jacen could see and hear it. He would have been delighted to see his twin getting married, what a pity.

Jagged pov:
When everyone was gone that evening. I chatted to Jaina, we've had a chat over the years talked about where we met and Ruby's birth how happy we were. She told me how she missed Jacen and was worried about him. "Write him down maybe your worrying about him is unfounded I'm sure there's nothing , I told her calmly, but she didn't let go until she had convinced herself. "No, there's something honey, I can feel it," she said, and got her cell phone. "What are you doing?,, "I'll ask him if he's okay, I can't stop talking,,

 "What are you doing?,, "I'll ask him if he's okay, I can't stop talking,,

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When Jaina put down her phone

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When Jaina put down her phone. she told me that Jacen is fine and that she doesn't have to worry. "You see, I told you, With these words we kissed and went to sleep.

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