the reunion

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Next morning:

Jacen pov:
I woke up and looked at the clock. 10 past eight, I rubbed my eyes and looked at my girls. Both were still asleep, Allana had laid down in her mother's arms. That looked so cute, I rubbed my eyes, gave them both a kiss and went to the bathroom. I then went to the kitchen where my mother made breakfast.
"Good morning mom,,
"Oh good morning Jacen...why are you up already?,,
"hahaha I could ask you the same thing,"
I said. My mother grinned, she cuts up cucumbers and tomatoes.
"No me couldn't go back to sleep,,
I said in a low tone. So that I don't wake up the others, after a minute I heard a door open.
"I think that's Ani....He doesn't have any school today, I forgot to tell him,,

Anakin pov:
I got up and went to the bathroom. I wasn't in the mood for school today, but I have to be. When I was done I went into the kitchen and I saw my brother?

How long has he been here?

I walked over and hugged him.
"Jacen, how long have you been here?,,
"Since midnight but sa you already have Asleep,, Jacen said and my mom started to speak, "Anakin you don't have school get to take a day off today,,
she said, normally I'm not allowed to take a day off but whatever.
I said, shrugging my shoulders. Mom looked at Jacen, who gave her a sideways look. My brother looked at me, and was about to speak when Tenel Ka walked up to us. Her red and gold hair was tied back , you could tell by her eyes that she had just got up.
"Good morning,"
she said, coming towards us.
"Hey Ani nice to see you are you?,, "Fine and yourself?,,
I asked with a smile.
"I have to,,
she said, and smiled.
"How about we have a family day today...go out to eat or something?"
my mother asked. We nodded. We still have to ask the others because jagged and the others are also working.
"Oh jacen you won't believe what happened,"
I said. There was excitement in my voice, my brother looked at me with wide eyes.
"Jaina got engaged to jagged,"
he looked like he'd seen a ghost. And Tenel Ka's eyes widened, Tenel Ka looked at mom and she nodded with a grin.
"What...really now?,,
"How long has she been engaged....?,,
asked Jacen.
"For four days,,,
"And how are you and the others?,,
asked Tenel  Ka.
"You can ask them that yourself, they'll come to eat soon,,

Leia pov:
When I said that, jacen and tenel ka looked at me. Then the two looked at each other, it was probably a shock, Jacen finds out that his twin sister is engaged. Tenel ka was surprised by the news but pleased nonetheless. I heard a door open, apparently han had woken up. He was wearing a white t-shirt and gray jogging pants, I couldn't help but grin. his hair looked like he had been electrocuted.
"Hahaha darling how do you look,,
I and the others laughed.
"Your hair,,
Han looked at me and then went into the bathroom.

Tenel Ka pov:
We went into the bedroom where we made the bed. We looked for things and put them on. I chose black leggings and a green colored t-shirt. The leggings went over my knees, at least I could dress normally here. I can't do that on hapes, but whatever, I looked at Jacen. He had put on his black overalls, he must have noticed that I was literally staring at him.
"What's up tenel ka?,,
"What's're not staring at me like that for no reason,"
he said lovingly and I had to smile.
"It's nothing...I-I ,,
Jacen interrupted me. placing his index finger gently on my pink-red lips.
"You're worried about our daughter...that's normal...the current situation isn't making it any better either,"
he then took his fingers from my lips.
I said, looking down at the floor. This is the first time that I longed for my child. She was always around me, Allana was never alone without me. (Out in the woods or just home alone for a day) My grandmother is on Hapes. And she tries everything to prevent Allana from claiming the throne for herself. She even went so far as to try to kill the child. Luckily Jacen figured it out before she could.
"But something else is bothering me,,
He looked at me.
"That Allana doesn't know that you're her father...don't you think we should tell her?,, Jacen turned around. I could only see his back.
"She has the right to know who her father is...sure you're there if're sort of independent around her...but she needs to know what your role is in their lives,,
I told him. and he turned back to me, he looked into my eyes and he took me in his arms.
"Okay listen we'll tell her when we're back on hapes okay I don't want us to tell her that on the phone...but now text your mother if everything's alright,"
he said lovingly, kissing me cheek. We went to the bathroom. and while Jacen is freshening up, I texted my mother.

Okay, she and Allana are fine

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Okay, she and Allana are fine. I put the phone down and went to Leia, who was already laying the table.
"Can I help you?,,
Leia looked at me as she put the plates on the table.
"Yes you can get the knives,,

Jacen pov:
I heard the doorbell ring and opened the door. Jaina stood there with her mouth open, I laughed and she jumped right into my arms.
she practically yelled. I hugged her back, jaina kissed me on the cheek and at the same moment she slapped me, I was startled it just came out of nowhere.
"Ouch jaina,,
"You Idiot where have you been?.... and little bitch,,
said jaina she ran to Tenel Ka. and pointed her finger at her, Tenel Ka stopped in front of jaina. "Nice you seen again solo,,

Leia POV:
I watched the whole teather from the kitchen. Wow This swatter was taken to heart, han came over and looked at me.
"Princess what's going on?,,
"Well your fiery daughter just slapped her twin brother... and now she's attacking his girlfriend,, As I said that, I saw Luke and Mara standing at the door. Hahahah the look on Luke's face, Mara came over to me and hugged me.
"Hey, what's going on here,,
"I said the same thing to Mara....the solo twins are reunited, that's going to be great...super....great,,
I held my hands in front of my face. I really missed that, Luke tried to placate Jaina which had proved extremely difficult. Jacen tried not to laugh. No wonder jaina freaked out like that. "'s enough now...jaina come down,"
I said, slowly pointing my hand down. Jaina looked at me and stopped screaming at Tenel Ka.

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