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Maggie Tozier walked into her kitchen to find her eight year old son, Richie, washing his hands so furiously they began to bleed. This alarmed her for two reasons; one, Richie was the type of boy so unsanitary he never washed his hands willingly (much to her dismay), and two, the damn kid was bleeding for Christ's sake!
"Richard! Stop that!" She bellowed, pulling her childs hands away from the sink and drying the water and blood off with a towel. "What are you doing?"
"Cleaning the dirt off of me. Mrs. K said that I can't see Eddie because I'm dirty, so I'm getting clean for him." Richie elaborated, wincing as he looked at his now bloody hands. "I'm dirty again." He mumbled, and Maggie frowned.
"Sonia Kaspbrak said that?"
"Well, that's a load of bullshit, excuse my language." Maggie stated, then sighed. "Richie, you know you aren't dirty, right?"
Richie hesitated, but nodded.
"Good. Mrs. Kaspbrak can be a bully sometimes, and I don't think she meant you're dirty as in germy;" She paused, and grinned at Richie, "However you should still wash your hands."
He giggled, "I still want to see Eddie though."
"I want you to see Eddie too, honey. I'll give Sonia a call, how about you go up to your room and play with the new toy Daddy bought you?" She offered, and he nodded, running upstairs.
Maggie sighed, dialing the Kaspbrak home phone number. "Hello?" Answered a small voice, Eddie Kaspbrak.
"Hi dear. Is your mom there?"
"Ummm...yes." Eddie paused, "Mommy! Someone's on the phone asking for you!"
"What is it?" Came Sonia Kaspbrak's poisonus voice, Maggie grimaced at the sound.
"Hi Sonia, it's me, Margaret Tozier." Maggie said in a false sweet voice, trying hard not to immediately scream at the woman.
"Oh...hello, Margaret. If you're calling to arange some sort of playdate between Edward and your son I'll have you know that I told both boys they are not to play with eachother anymore." Sonia hissed.
"As I heard. Sonia, my son is eight and a half years old and more mature than you. You are bullying someone not even half your age, have you no dignity?"
"Richie is a bad influence-"
"Richie is my son!" Maggie spat back, and so the argument began.

The next day Richie entered third grade with a frown on his face. Bill was on vacation and Stan was out with a fever, so Richie had no one to play with. Other than Eddie of course, whom he was not allowed to talk to, or so he thought.
He sat miserably at his desk, staring into the oblivion until Eddie came running up to his desk, with a huge toothy smile on his face.
"Richie! Richie! Guess what??" He beamed.
"My mom said that your mom talked to her and we can be friends again!" After Eddie said this, Richie returned the smile.
"Yeah, really."

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