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Hate and jealousy are the only things that tie Blake and Hayley together. That and their impressive ability in one sport. Football. They're each others worst enemies yet they are required to be on the same side.

Blake's a typical, popular, rich bitch kind of girl, who thrives in power. She loves being the centre of attention and can't stand anyone who threatens to take her crown away from her.

Hayley is the newest girl in town, not shy, but prefers to keep her life amongst the shadows. She works hard for her family and doesn't back down when it comes to protecting herself or the people she cares about.

However, underneath their facade, both of them have their own deeper reasons for behaving the way that they do and neither of them truly know the other person, despite both strongly believing that they have each other all figured out.

They both can accept being jealous of each other, but what happens when they start to be jealous of each others love life.

And denial can only last for so long...


I'd like to point out some things that are included in the story that viewers may find upsetting or not enjoy reading. If any of these things don't sit well with you then I strongly advise you to not read this book. I will try to give a warning at the start of a chapter that includes a topic that could be sensitive to some people, but otherwise please don't be surprised if any of the following things come up.

This story contains:

- offensive language and jokes

- acts of violence and sexual assault

- emotional and physical abuse

- acts of bullying

- alcohol and drug consumption

- homophobic comments and denials of sexuality

- potential mental health topics

- heavy angst

- explicit sexual scenes and nudity

- mentions of family abandonment

- child neglect

- teenage main characters

- relatively slow burn

I would also like to note that the 'football' included in this story is the English game not the American, as this story is set in the UK. Sorry if anyone is disappointed by that ;)

Authors Note

Hi, I'm going to make this short and sweet... this is my first attempt at writing a book so I'm learning as I go. I'm not a writer, nor do I intend to be a writer, but my imagination is filled with scenarios and characters that I'd like to share, hence why I've decided to write this book.

Feel free to message me with any tips or concerns, I appreciate any support you share. I hope you enjoy the journey...


Text copyright © Frostedblazee ™ 2023

The moral right of the author has been asserted. All rights reserved. This story is published subject to the condition that it should not be reproduced or retransmitted in whole or in part, in any manner, without the written consent of the copyright holder, and any infringement of this is a violation of copyright law.

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