Chapter Thirteen - New Year Kisses

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- Hayley -


I won't lie the Christmas period was hard, it's usually the time when Abbie is at her worse and unfortunately it was like that again this year, but we tried to make the most of it and it was nice to have some family time together. 

Abbie left to return to University a couple days ago and dad returned to work again, bringing us all back into reality.

It's now my turn to return to normal, as it's the first day back to school in the new year, and I really cannot be bothered... 

I'm currently dragging my body through the school halls trying to prepare myself to be ready to tackle the long day that I have ahead. It's Wednesday which also means I have football training after school and I'm currently dreading it since I already know my fitness is going to be horrific from doing absolutely nothing but filling myself with food these past few weeks.

I make my way towards my locker, opening it up and then shoving my sports bag inside. Before I can do anything else I feel my hood being pulled down and I hear a quiet giggle behind me.

"Just because you're tired doesn't mean you have to show it through your outfit."

I spin my head round to face Amelia, who's dressed entirely different to me and has clearly given thought into her outfit. She's wearing a grey chequered skirt, tightened by a fancy black belt, and a black turtleneck top. I can also smell her strong peachy perfume, which is unusual.

"Okay I think you took 'new year new me' a little too literally." I tease, my eyes taking in her look. "You know we're at school right, you don't have to dress to impress?"

I watch as her cheeks turn red at my comment, bringing surprise and excitement upon me.

"Oh my god, you are dressing to impress!" I exclaim loudly. 

"Shushhh" she quietly hushes me, giggling a little. "Keep your voice down."

She can't even hide her blushing. How am I only just figuring this out?

"Is it the guy you kissed on New Year's Eve?" I ask, with excitement.

She pauses for a moment.

"Maybe," she shrugs, struggling to hide her grin.

"Millie!" I exclaim, placing my hands on her shoulders and bouncing lightly on my tiptoes."Oh my god I'm so excited for you."

"I know," she beams, letting her happiness be known. 

It's rare when Amelia shares her dating situation with me, usually because all it is are countless guys on the internet who have the worse chat and don't make it to the meeting in person stage, so this makes me so happy for her.

"You have to tell me everything," I playfully insist. "What's his name again, Joe?"

My prediction makes her laugh. "No, it's Josh," she whispers quietly, not wanting to be heard.

"Wait what was that?" I tease, already hearing her right the first time. "Did you say Josh?"

"Hayley!" she playfully nudges my arm.

I laugh out, causing her to laugh as well, then the first bell rings through the corridor causing our laughter to turn into groans. I spin back around to close my locker behind me.

"Well I guess I'll see you later then," Amelia complains.

"Yeah I can't wait to get some info out of you."

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