Chapter Twenty Three - Two Can Play This Game

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- Hayley -


I've never really been much of a party girl. Don't get me wrong I'm more than capable of going out, getting drunk and having a good night. But if I was to compare myself to some of the girls at my school, I'm no where near on the same level as them and honestly I'm not bothered about it because sometimes I would just prefer to spend my Saturday night in my bed doing nothing.

That was exactly what I was planning to do tonight, until I received a very interesting invitation as I was heading out of work... Tom decided to invite me to his eighteenth birthday house party.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little taken back at first and that's not because we aren't friends, because we honestly get along really well when we work together and so it would seem normal for him to invite me, but obviously there is the slight issue when it comes to the girl he is dating. Or dated? Or whatever the hell they are now... I really don't care. 

Anyways, after mine and Blake's recent encounters I figured there would be no way I'd come close to getting an invite, because knowing Blake she probably administrated the whole guest list. However, Tom informed me that he spoke to her and apparently she doesn't have a problem with me coming? Blake Hilton doesn't have a problem with it, what?

I mean I know Blake is pretty insane and usually makes decisions that are the complete opposite of what's expected, but still, why the fuck didn't she completely shut down the idea like I would've? Because I would've, right?

Maybe Tom lied, maybe he didn't ask Blake at all and she's going to have a shock when she sees me there, but either way I've decided I'm going to go. Well actually, Amelia decided we are going to go because she didn't like the idea of not having any plans tonight and wouldn't take no for an answer, but that's besides the point.

However, we're currently sat in the car on the way to Tom's house and I'm already starting to regret this decision, especially when the pre drinks haven't even hit me yet and I'm going to have to walk in basically sober.

Amelia on the other hand, aka the biggest lightweight known to mankind, is busy waffling stories to my dad who is highly enjoying the entertainment whilst driving and keeps giving me amused glances whenever he gets the chance. I think some may be warning glances as well because at this rate I'm probably going to be spending my whole night wondering where my best friend is and what room of the house she's throwing up in.

We eventually make it to Tom's street and my dad pulls the car over on the opposite side of the road, just outside his house. 

"Alright girls," he smiles, turning to face me in the passenger seat. "I hope you have a good night."

"Oh we will," Amelia beams in the backseat, already opening her door ready to climb out. "Thank you so much for the lift, Mr Gray."

Amelia shuts the door after getting out and both me and my dad turn to face each other again with the same amused look.

"Why is she calling me Mr Gray," he chuckles, knowing that Amelia always calls him by his first name.

"Who knows," I laugh back.

"Hayley, come on."I hear Amelia whine from outside the car, and I smile shaking my head at my dad again.

"You make sure you have a good time tonight?" He light heartedly warns, leaning forward to kiss the top of my head. "And I know Amelia's parents are collecting you, but make sure you call me if you need to."

"I will," I assure him. "Thanks Dad."

He smiles back and nods to the door. I turn and pull on the handle, opening it up and letting the cold hit me. Amelia is stood with her arms crossed waiting for me as I climb out.

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