The Mafia Angel 15

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Okay guys! Here’s the next chapter.

p.s.    I think I’m going to finish this story before I keep working on my others. I will occasionally update Vampire Secrets, but probably not the others! I would like to know what you think though. So if there are people that want me to keep updating Vampire Secrets then please, please, please tell me!  I will put together a chapter just for you guys, that’s how much I care. ;)

Please VOTE! And COMMENT! Because that just makes my day!

Chapter 15

  We are going to Italy! After looking at hundreds of beautiful vacation spots, we ended up picking one that was a part of both our heritages. We wanted something that would teach Jaden about his background. And besides that, the place was just freaking gorgeous! The architecture, the food, and the music was everything we were looking for.  

 After booking our flight for Friday morning and packing, we spent the rest of our time getting ready for the move. We can’t stay here for much longer, and even though I will miss my family, I think it’s time to start over.

When Friday finally came, Jaden could barely sit still. He’d been looking forward to this vacation to ‘ity’ for a week. And a week to a toddler is like a month. He had been packed for days. We finally boarded the plane early in the morning, and were in Italy by lunch time.

 After finding our hotel and unpacking, we decided to feed Jaden. Who told everyone that passed that he was ‘ungy’. No doubt they thought we were the most awful parents in the world.  After wondering around for a while, we walked in front of a club and Jaden grabbed his belly and nearly took down a few pedestrians to get inside.  I tried to make a grab for him but he dogged me and ran through the door. We ran in after him, but he had already made it into the main room.

When I heard a little sob I started pushing my way into the darkly lit room. There were men in suits everywhere, some smoking huge cigars. A man had Jaden by his collar and was slightly shaking him. Jaden’s lip was stuck out and I could see tears pooling up in his eyes. No one touches my kid.

I grabbed Jaden and handed him to Colton. And before anyone could react I had the man on the ground, the knife I always kept in my boot against his head. Threatening to take off an ear.

“Move and I’ll take your ear as a trophy.” I snarled in his still attached ear, for now.

Before he answered, a door behind me flew open.  

“What’s going on in here??” a loud voice boomed.

I stiffened and slowly turned, gasping when I saw the man.

I knew that voice.

I knew that dark hair.

I knew those big brown eyes.


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