the mafia angel 10

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I know you guys want to kill me but please hold your fire!!!! I had the next couple of chapter s all wrote out and stored on my iPod. But then the new version of watt pad for iPod came out and when I downloaded it, it erased all the stories I had on there! So for the last couple days I have been trying to remember all the stories I had and put them back in the order it took me a month to get them in. but the problem is I had like 300 stories from all you guys and other writers!! All my stories and any of the stories you guys recommended I saved to look at later or make changes on mine but now they are all gone. So I'm going to try to see if there is any way I could get on my computer and download the old version back onto my iPod. I doubt it but I'm going to try. And I'm sorry that this chapter has to be shorter because of that! So now that I have thoroughly bored you I'm going to give you the next chapter you have waited so long for!

"Daddy!" Jaden yelled while running, his chubby arms and legs pumping. He flew into my arms knocking me backwards. I felt his nose burying in my shoulder and his body shaking from his sobs. "Where's mommy?" he wailed. "Shhhh everything's ok. Mommy's ok." I said to not only reassure him but myself. I turned still clutching Jaden. I could feel my father's eyes on me. Prissys dad looked emotionless. He just sat and stared at the wall but I swear I saw the big man utter a prayer every once and a while. And the small women beside him had tears running down her face. I had never seen our parents so calm together but I knew they both wanted answers. "First Jaden's not mine and second I'm in love with prissy." I said calmly. "Well I guess that's good because you're marrying her as soon as possible!" her dad said. Then her oldest brother pulled out a sawed off shotgun. "Hmm gives a new meaning to 'a shotgun wedding' doesn't it?"He said smirking. Fine if that's the way we're going to play it. "I think prissy will have something to say about that." He actually palled. I turned to the doctor "when can I see prissy?" I asked almost desperately. I could be tough in front of our family but when it comes to prissy I melt.

Prissy pov

I have this annoying ringing in my ear. "Answer the phone dammit!" I said groggily. I heard a low rumble beside the bed that was distinctly male laughter. "Ordering me around even on your death bed? I should have known, coming from you." Colton laughed next to me but I could hear something else in his voice. Desperation? Did my big, tough, 'god-like' boyfriend sound desperate? That's was something to laugh at. But as I tried I gasped in pain. "Where's a nurse when you need one?" Colton let out a string of curses. All of a sudden in comes a nurse injecting something into my arm. I clutch Colton's hand as my vision blurs. I see the nurse showing off her breasts to Colton and offering him a piece of paper that I'm guessing has her number on it. Before my eyes close I hear Colton saying he will stick to the fiancé he loves. Awww did you hear that? He loves me! How sweet! Wait fiancé? That bastard! That was my last thought before I lost consciousness.

Vote, comment and leave me ideas! You guys are awesome and I love comments! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> love, madi.

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