It's Just Introductions, right ?

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3rd pov

A/N- I had to read other Wednesday fanfics online and here so if something sounds familiar I'm not copying and I'm giving all the credit that I got my ideas from to the original writers. happy reading!

After Y/n finished getting ready he went out to the quad to meet with Ajax.

"Morning Y/N." The Gorgon said.

"Hey Ajax." Y/N replied half asleep and being borderline unconscious.

"Did you hear about the new student?" Ajax asked.

"What are you talking about?" The half vampire asked. "I never heard anyone mention that before."

"Really? I thought you would've, yeah but she's some psycho." Ajax said with wide eyes.

Y/N raised his eyebrow and was about to ask more about the girl until Ajax called over to his crush Enid.

"Hey Enid over here!" Ajax called walking over to the girl with Y/N.

"Morning guys." Enid said smiling. "Good morning." Ajax said.

"Morning." Y/N said greeting her.

"Hey Enid be careful I heard your roommate eats people."
The gorgon said worried.

To Ajax's surprise Enid scooted over to show the 5'1 raven haired girl. "Quite the contrary." She said. "I actually fillet the bodies of my victims, then feed them to my menagerie of pets." Wednesday said.

The two boys were in shock but you couldn't tell
Y/N's expression because of how tired he was.

"Ajax, Y/N. This is my new roommate Wednesday." Enid said. "You're in black and white.." Ajax said in shock. "Like a living Instagram filter." He said giving his honest opinion making Y/N elbow him to shut up. "Ignore him." The blonde spoke.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Wednesday." The H/C male spoke to the 5'1 girl. "See you guys around."    Y/N said before walking away to go hang out with Eugene.

"If you're wondering who those two boys are, Ajax, who's a gorgon and the most cutest boy in school." Enid said drooling over the Gorgon.

"And the other boy is, Y/N, he's a half vampire and he's super smart and is really nice." The youngster spoke.

Wednesday just nodded and walked away.

-forest scene- A/N-(I'm giving credits because I did not do all this on my own)

In a forest, the Jericho police investigating a disturbing murder scene.

"Where's the rest of him?" Sheriff Galpin asked looking at a decapitated head.

"Well, the torso and arm are over there." His co-worker said. "We found a leg by the lake."

"There's an arm in that tree over there." She pointed  where the arm was.

"And the rest of the parts are so far unaccounted for, it matches the profile of the other two attacks last week."

"Alright, issue a warning. Keep hikers out of the woods." The sheirff nodded. "Don't approve any more campfire permits for the foreseeable future."
"What do you want me to tell the press?" She asked.

"You know they're going to be swarming like mosquitoes in July." "Tell them the bear is back." Galpin suggested.

"You don't believe that, Sheriff." She laughed.
"No, I don't. Whatever did this wasn't human, look I know these murders are connected to Nevermore.
I just can't prove it yet. So until I can.. it's a damn bear.

A/N- another short chapter I'm sorry I'm going to try and make longer chapters. Just like in the beginning when I said I read other fanfics and if something sounds familiar I'm not copying and I'm giving credits for all my ideas to who inspired them. Happy Reading!

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