Traits of Great Writers and Serial Killers

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Y/N and Wednesday started to walk to their next class together.

"How is it alive?" He asked.

"It is a secret that goes throughout the family of the Addams." The short girl said.

"Oh okay then." The tall male said. The teens walked into the greenhouse where their next class takes place.

The boy took a seat and Wednesday walked to the back of the room. Which made Y/N confused but shrugged it off.

"How do you lose him in a bathroom with no windows?" Wednesday whispered to Thing who was behind a pot hiding from everyone else.

"A lefty wouldn't have failed me." Wednesday said with a tiny bit of disappointment and anger in her tone causing Thing to sulk down.

"Don't sulk." She looked down disappointingly at the hand.

"Now I'm going to have to find new evidence myself, since your the one who lost our only lead." Wednesday spoke to the hand.

"I see you've finally made a friend." Bianca spoke up to Wednesday. "Even if it is a plant."

"I go for quality over quantity." The girl said in a way that would make Bianca infuriated.

Wednesday walked up looking for somewhere to sit.

Y/N pulled out the chair next to him gesturing the pale girl to take his offer, sitting next to him.

Then quickly after she sat down a arachnid crawled over to the raven haired girl.

"I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe." Thronhill adjusted her glasses.

"Admit it, you're a little impressed." He smirked over at the girl who lifted her hand and smashed the spider causing the class to laugh. But Y/N just smiled and looked the other way not trying to make Xavier upset like at the festival.

"Wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us, on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants." Thronhill walked up closer to the desks filled with students.

"Now.. who can tell us the name of this beauty?"
She pointed at the white flower inside of the glass

Bianca raised her hand and before she could answer Wednesday said it first.

"Dendrophylax lindenii." She said.

"Otherwise known as the ghost orchid." Bianca lifted her eyebrows lowering her hand.

"First discovered on the Isle of Wight in 1854." The short girl said.

"Very good, Wednesday." Thornhill smiled, impressed.

"You may have competition for first chair, Bianca." She turned to the siren.

"Wednesday, perhaps you can identify the ghost orchids greatest qualities."

"Resilience and adaptability." The pale serious girl answered. "It's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments."

"But its mere presence can change the ecosystem, causing the established plants to reject it." Bianca adding on the Wednesday.

"Usually because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked." Wednesday stopped. "Nothing a weedwacker couldn't fix."

"You can most certainly try." The taller girl said.

"Are we still talking about flowers?" Xavier said out loud causing the other students except for Bianca and Wednesday to chuckle.

Ghost Orchid-Wednesday x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now