The Average Teenage Torture

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A/N- uhm I was gonna post soon

I made this one shorter because I have a question to ask at the end.
Anyways happy reading!!

3rd pov

After Wednesday's attempt at explaining why she and Tyler kissed, she told the half vampire what she was planning to do to Tyler.

"I was thinking of setting a trap for him..." The gothic girl went on.

"This is crazy Wednesday I don't think I should get involved." Y/N said unsure of her idea of torturing Tyler.

"Just keep watch." She quickly said. The male ran his hand through his hair and looked at the girl.

"She's my friend yeah you should do it. Definitely not because you like her and you want to slice Tyler's throat open...


"Fine." The teen sighed. "Good, let's get started." Wednesday said and started walking down the hall making Y/N follow.

Time skip

Y/N, Wednesday and the Nightshades were at the Crackstone's Crypt waiting for the brunette barista.

"Soooo, we're not going to kill him right?" Bianca asked Y/N.

"If it goes well we won't." He mumbled causing a worried look on Bianca's face starting to rethink her life choices.

"He's coming over." Wednesday stated making everyone hide in the shadows waiting for the barista.
Who was now talking to Wednesday.

"Thing gave me your note."Tyler looked at Wednesday. "I was suprised you wanted to see me again after you ran off the other night." The brunette said making Y/N grimace.

"So, uh, is this a date?"Tyler asked. "It's a surprise." Wednesday responded.

"When I came to Nevermore, romance was the last thing on mind. But when you kissed me, you opened my eyes and suddenly it all made sense." Wednesday told the male making Yoko nudge Y/N.

"Fuck you." The male whispered and Yoko rolling her eyes.

"Xaiver warned me about you, but I didn't listen." Wednesday said.

"Ironic now, huh?"

"Ironic would've been framing Xaiver for murder, while the real Hyde helped me put him away." The brunette started to worry.

"Wait... you don't think-"

"I don't think. I know. Kinbott probably discovered your secret during one of your sessions. So she unlocked you." The shorter girl said.

"Why'd you kill her? I thought Hydes were typically loyal to their masters." Wednesday continued.

"Wednesday, seriously, this is nuts." The barista said denying her statements.

"On Outreach day, I told you I was visiting the old meeting house. Did Kinbott send you to spy on me?" Wednesday asked."I heard that you attended the RaveN. You heard me and Eugene discussing your cave in the woods, and you warned Kinbott. Eugene probably saw her torching it."

"Then she sent you to clean up her mess. I have to hand it to you, Tyler. Wounding yourself that night at the Gates mansion, you probably would've gotten away with it."

"Okay, stop. Do you know how insane you sound right now?"He said annoyed." I'm not a monster. A-And if you really thought that I was, why would you risk bringing me out to the woods to confront me alone?"

"Who said I was alone?"

Y/N and the other came out of hiding to show themselves to the barista.

"Okay, I don't know what kind of sick joke you're playing, but I'm out of here." The male got up but
Y/N standing in front of him death glaring at the male. "Actually, you're coming with us." Bianca said using her sirens song.

Ghost Orchid-Wednesday x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now