Did she just die?

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3rd person pov

Enid entered her room to find Wednesday removing the colored glass from her side of the room. "What the hell did you do?" Enid asked upset.

"Dividing our room equally." She stood up and pushed away Enid's colored glass to her side. Wednesday's side was normal compared to Enid's.

"Now silence would be appreciated it's my writing time." The raven haired girl spoke. "Writing time?" Enid said confused. "I devote an hour a day to my novel, perhaps if you did the same, your vlog might be coherent..."

"I write in my voice. It's my truth, it's what my followers love." Enid said offended.

"Your followers are clearly imbeciles." The 5'1 girl said. "They respond to your stories with insipid little pictures." Wednesday said her monotone voice.

"You mean emojis?" Enid giggled. "It's how people express their feelings. I realize that's a foreign concept to you." Enid mentioned.

"When I look at you, the following emojis come to mind. Rope. Shovel. Hole." She turned around.
"By the way, there are two D's in Addams. If you're found to gossip about me, atleast spell my name correctly." Wednesday said.

As she was about to sit down she turned around to Enid putting on some upbeat pop song and dancing. " Turn that off." The Raven haired girl demanded.

"This is your final warning." The girl warned, but Enid ignored her warning. She stepped closer to the happy girl.

"Don't mess with me. This kitty's got claws, and I'm not afraid to use them." She tried making Wednesday nervous. Out of no where the door opened making Enid hide her claws behind her back.

"Good evening, girls." A red/brunette with glasses holding a flower pot walked inside.

"Oh, sorry about the mud." She closed the door behind her with the mud on her red boots.

"I wanted to make sure that Wednesday was settling in." The woman said.

"Ah, is this a bad time?" She asked, both
Wednesday and Enid.

"I'm Ms. Thornhill, your dorm mom. Apologies I wasn't here to greet you when you arrived."
"I trust Enid has given you the old Nevermore welcome." The teacher smiled at Enid.

"She's been smothering me with hospitality." The raven haired girl said. "In her sleep."

"Well." Thornhill said clearly uncomfortable "Here's a little welcome gift from my conservatory." She handed over the pot with a black flower inside.

"I try to match the right flower to each of my girls, and when I read your personal statement in your application, I immediately thought of this one."
"The black dahlia." Wednesday mentioned as she studied the flower.

"Oh, you know it?" Thorn hill asked. "Of course, it's named after my favourite unsolved murder. " She looked up at Thronhills eyes. " Thank you." Wednesday thanked her.

"Okey-dokey, before I leave, I want to go over a few house rules." She looked at the two girls.
"Lights off at 10:00, no loud music, and no boys,

"What's the story about going into the local town?"
Wednesday asked . "Passes to Jericho are a privilege, not a right. It's a brisk 25 minute walk, or there's a shuttle on the weekends."

"The locals are a tad bit wary, about Nevermore. So please don't go making any waves, or perpetuating any outcast stereotypes." Thronhill tried explaining.

"That means keep your claws to yourself." She turned to Enid. "And no smothering people in their sleep." And she told Wednesday.

"Are we clear?" She said. "Great talk!" She smiled and walked out of their dorm.

Ghost Orchid-Wednesday x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now