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This is also probably my longest chapter idk
Happy reading!

3rd Pov

It was the day of the Poe Cup, four boats with different Edgar Allan Poe stories were at the lake with students cheering them on

Y/N was standing at the shore with his uniform on and a scarf. Talking with Ajax, then Xavier walked out with his costume.

"Where's your costume, you can't go as yourself."   Y/N joked at Xavier making Ajax laugh and Xavier flip him off.

"You better cheer for us." Ajax said.

"Ok ok don't worry I'll cheer for you and your little girlfriend." Y/N said in a sleepy voice even if he was wide awake.

"H-hey!" Ajax said flustered and walked over to his seat.

The dhampir looked around for Enid but to met with Wednesday in costume.

"gosh she's adorable.." Y/N said under his breath.

"What do we have here?"  Bianca said "The runt of the litter."

"For the record, I don't believe I'm better than everyone else. Just that im better than you." Wednesday replied.

"I want to welcome you all to the Edgar Allan Poe Cup. This is one of Nevermore's annual traditions, dating back 125 years." Weems voice spoke aloud to everyone.

"Each team must row across to Raven Island. Pull a flag from Crackstone's Crypt, and hustle back without sinking or being sunk. First team to cross the finish line with their flag. Wins the cup and bragging rights for a year, as well as some special privileges."

"Let the Poe Cup begin!" Weems shouted as she shot a bullet into the air starting the game.

The four teams immediately started rowing as the students and teachers cheered from the land.

The purple wizards made their way to black cat's left and used their weapon to attack, luckily all of the black cats dodged the swinging axe.

"Let's go guys!" Y/N cheered for his friends, especially Wednesday.


The jesters were in first place, black cats coming in second and the wizards being thirds. Bianca's team were now  behind.

The wizards canoe started moving by itself before eventually crashing into a floating thing causing the canoe to break into half. Now there were only three canoes left to play.

The jesters pulled into the island and ran off to get the flag.

The black cats came after. "Stay here and make sure Bianca can't sabotage our boat."

Wednesday told Enid as she began to get the flag
"Thing, I need you to distract a couple of jokers."
Enid said to the stitched hand.

Thing threw a pebble on one of their heads and when they turned back he flipped them off.

"What?" One said. "Come on." Ajax added going after the hand.

Enid went over onto their canoe and used her claws to claw the canoe making a scratch mark.

After the jokers got their flag they started to canoe again, but then started sinking.


"Let's go Enid a familiar voice shouted from behind Y/N.

"Oh hey Eugene I thought you were going to check on daffodil?" The half human asked.

" I did and now I'm here to cheer on Enid." The younger student boy said with a smile. "Are you here to cheer on Wednesday, because at the hive you seemed to like her buzz if you know what I mean." The glasses wearing boy asked.

Ghost Orchid-Wednesday x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now