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[Name] walked through the door and announced her arrival, her hair and clothes dripping wet. Her mother and Sora noticed her and began to laugh, putting [Name] in an even worse mood.

"Sorry I forgot to remind you to bring an umbrella, you were in such a rush this morning I couldn't even get a word through!" Her mother said with a chuckle," Did you buy that rain jacket on the way back?"

"I borrowed it from someone," she muttered, tugging the jacket off herself and walking up to her room, not in the mood to get ridiculed by her family any longer. She threw the rain jacket onto her chair and went directly into the bathroom to shower, hoping to get rid of the smell of the rainwater that was emitting heavily from her hair, and the rest of her for that matter.

[Name] stepped out of the shower and was drying her hair when she noticed her phone light up, indicating a few texts from Oikawa. She smiled and walked out of the bathroom dressed in her comfiest pajamas and curled up into her sheets, staring at her phone.

Are you free next Tuesday, [Name]-chan?

[Name], the forever people-pleaser, really didn't want to say no, especially since this was the first time she's ever been asked to go on a date with a boy.

I have tutoring on Tuesdays :(

How about I pick u up after?

[Name] grinned at the response. She felt like a date with Oikawa would be the perfect thing to cheer her up after an insufferable tutoring session with Professor Tsukkishima, neglecting the fact that she would probably have more schoolwork to do after.

Sounds like a plan!


On Tuesday morning, [Name] woke up bright and early on her last alarm, actually remembering to set 5 separate ones, each one minute apart. Since she was hanging out with Oikawa right after school, she needed to get ready in the morning. She desperately wanted to make a good impression on him, even though he annoyed her sometimes, especially after he saw her with her hair falling out and covered in sweat after running to the practice game on Saturday.

After taking a shower and brushing out her hair, she put on her uniform, making sure she looked extra neat today. She grabbed her bag and was about to leave when she glanced at the small pouch of makeup on her dresser. [Name] rarely wore makeup- if she did, it was for a special occasion, and it was typically her mother who urged her to do so on those occasions. Considering this was the girl's first date with a boy and she had a few minutes to spare, [Name] sat back down on her dresser and opened the pouch, revealing only concealer, mascara, and a singular eyeshadow palette and brush. She made a mental note to go buy some more products and started dotting her face with concealer.

A few minutes passed, and [Name] felt satisfied with how she looked, her makeup accentuating her eyelashes and highlighting the high points of her face just enough to make a subtle, but notable, difference. Knowing one of her family members would notice her wearing makeup, she crept down the stairs and almost made it out of the house without anyone noticing, until-

"Well don't you look all fancy," Sora pointed out, sipping on coffee at the dining table, making [Name] groan.

"When are you leaving again?" [Name] questioned, making Sora pout dramatically.

"You're going to miss me when I'm at college," he said," But why are you wearing makeup? is it your birthday and I missed it?"

"Because I wanted to," she retorted, sticking out her tongue at him and swiftly walking out of the house, more confident than usual.

As she walked into math class, [Name] felt uneasy, as if people were looking at her. She took her notebooks out of her backpack and held them upright in front of her, not used to the attention she was receiving from her peers. Yamaguchi arrived with Tsukkishima in tow, sitting in his usual seat beside [Name] and Tsukki sitting in front of him.

"Morning, [Name]!" The freckled boy chirped, unsure why she was holding her books in such a weird way. [Name] dropped her books on her table with a thud and shot him a small smile, then hid her face with her fluffy hair. Yamaguchi's eyes widened as [Name]'s typical dark circles were hidden, and her face almost glowed. He gently kicked her and smiled softly at her.

"You look good!" he said cheekily, causing the girl to blush. Yamaguchi turned to see if Tsukki noticed anything different about her, but the blonde had his headphones in, facing the front of the room, solely awaiting for Mrs. Akinawa to start class. [Name] was glad- she didn't need him to make fun of her for actually trying to enhance her appearance for once.

After struggling through math like usual, [Name] trudged her way through her remaining classes, hiding her face with her hair every time someone attempted to make actual eye contact with her. She just wanted the day to be over with, so she could go on her date.

[Name] was about to leave the school after her last class ended, but was stopped by a stern pull of her backpack.

"That isn't where the library is," a monotone voice said. She could practically hear the smirk in his voice. She twirled around and marched in the direction of the library, annoyed that she'd have to spend an entire hour with both her least favorite boy and least favorite subject. [Name] sat down at the closest table and took out her blank sheet of homework and a pencil.

"Let's make this quick, Professor Tsukkishima," [Name] huffed.

"That likely won't happen, considering you probably don't know how to do any of this," the said male sighed, ignoring the use of the childish nickname," Start working on the problems." [Name] grumbled and began to scrawl numbers on the papers, trying to recall what she learned in class today, but her brain was fogged with excitement about the date. She began tapping her pencil mindlessly, daydreaming about her first-ever date, until Tsukkishima snapped his fingers in front of her.

"Earth to chibi-chan," he said, clearly annoyed that all of her work was meaningless.

"Don't call me that," hissed [Name], looking Tsukkishima right in the eye. As soon as she noticed a glint of curiosity spark in his eyes, she turned away, realizing he had seen her face.

"Looks like someone decided not to look homeless today," Tsukkishima said with a smirk, amused at the angry blush that spread across her face, despite being covered by her surprisingly soft-looking hair. [Name] decided to ignore his comment- to ignore Tsukkikshima- until she really couldn't solve the first problem on her homework. She looked up at him with angry but pleading eyes, causing the blonde's features to slightly soften.

"I... am so lost," said [Name] with a defeated look on her face.

"Look, all you need to do is this," Tsukkishima said, writing out the steps to solve the equation and doing the first one for her as an example, leaning closer to reach the paper and explain clearly. Tsukkishima's eyes flickered up for a split second, noticing how the mascara she was wearing on her lashes brought out the color of her eyes, beautiful [Eye Color] irises focused on what he was writing. He moved away, accidentally brushing the soft hair she blew out this morning. The blonde pursed his lips and allowed her to work out the problems.

The hour passed, and [Name] was surprised at how little the two bickered throughout the tutoring session. She didn't notice, but half of Tsukkishima's focus was on the way she bit her shiny lips in concentration or the way her flowy locks graced her ear when she moved them behind it.

"Thanks, Professor Tsukkishima," grinned [Name], actually feeling like she learned something as she packed her homework away into her bag.

"Whatever, chibi-chan," he mumbled, still sneaking glances at her face. He realized he had never properly looked at her before, and secretly looked forward to their next tutoring session, so they could be close again.

He walked behind her as she eagerly bounced out of the library, wondering why she was in such a good mood when he saw the reason, a certain six-foot volleyball captain leaning against the wall with his usual charming smile. Tsukkishima saw [Name] smile as she walked up to Oikawa and the two strolled away, not looking back at the blonde whose face was curved into a frown, realizing what her elevated appearance and excitement were for.

Tsukkishima scoffed and walked in the other direction, toward his home, and away from [Name].

w: 1446

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