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[Name] rolled up her sleeves and marched through the boys that surrounded her and went up Tsukki.

"Do you not have anything to say?" she screeched, making the rest of the gym go silent in anticipation of her scolding.

Tsukki looked down at her.

"Sorry," he said, and looked away, taking a sip of his water bottle as if he didn't just slam a volleyball into her face. As he raised his arm, his shirt lifted up a little, and [Name] couldn't comprehend how cool his composure was as she was yelling at him.

"Y-You are a... Jerk!" she said, her hands curling into fists. Yamaguchi grabbed her arm.

"Uh [Name] this isn't a good idea," he said, pulling her back. Takeda Sensei stepped up with a worried look on his face.

"Oh yes, everyone this is [Name], she may want to be a manager along with Shimizu, so treat her well!" he said with a wary smile, knowing his statement was a bit late.

"OOOH," heard [Name]. She whipped around to see two boys, a shorter one and a taller one.

"We have two hot managers now!" the shorter orange-haired one said, running over to [Name] and putting his hand out, making her laugh.

"Hi, I'm [Name]," she said, shaking his hand," Where's the other manager?"

"She's right behind you!" said the taller of the two. [Name] looked to see a beautiful woman with black hair and delicate glasses walking up to her.

"Hey, I'm Shimizu, but you can call me Kiyoko. I hope you decide to stay," she said, smiling politely.

"Nice to meet you!" [Name] said with a little bow.

"AHHH THEY"RE SO CUTE!" The bald one screamed, making [Name] laugh in both wonder and confusion/

"Your job is easy, [Name]. Help out during practices, record the scores in games, and just help everyone overall. I hope you'll join me," she said with a wink. [Name] smiled and sat down on the bleachers.

"Alright everyone, let's keep playing," said one of the boys next to her. He turned to [Name] and patted her shoulder.

"I'm Daichi, I'm the captain of the team. Nice to meet you." [Name] nodded to him and he ran out onto the court to practice receiving. [Name] watched as the boys received and spiked. They all were very talented individually but she couldn't help but notice that they lacked teamwork skills. She sensed some tension between Tsukki and the boy with the navy hair, who she soon learned was Kageyama Tobio, the setter. He and the orange-haired boy, Hinata Shouyo, seemed to work well together in contrast.

"They're all very talented, senpai," [Name]said to Shimizu who nodded in return.

An hour and a half later, Daichi announced that practice was over, and the rest of the team started to help clean up the gym. [Name] decided to start helping, picking up as many stray volleyballs as she could hold. She walked to the storage closet carefully, her eyes peeking above the mountain of volleyballs in her arms. She kept walking when she bumped into something stiff, making her drop a couple of the balls. [Name] looked up to see that, of course, she had to run into that stupid tall blonde kid.

"Oh, I'm so-" she started, trying to be the bigger person in the situation.

"Watch where you're going," sneered Tsukki, pushing past her and bumping another volleyball out of her arms.

Her mouth open wide, [Name] stood there for a solid minute before resuming to pick up the volleyballs, her eyebrows furrowed and a frown on her face. She dumped the balls into the basket and walked out of the storage closet. Takeda Sensei approaches her as the (h/c) haired girl went to pick up her bags.

"Well, what do you think, [Name]?" He asked, smiling sweetly at her.

"I think this will be fun," the said girl replied," everyone is so talented!" This brought an even brighter smile to the teacher's face.

"Great! Thank you so much!" He said, bowing to her.

"Oh, sensei you don't need to do that," [Name] said, visibly flustered by the dramatic gesture.

"Hey, [Name]," said Yamaguchi, saving her from the awkward situation," Do you want to walk home with us?" She smiled at Yamaguchi.

"Us?" she asked, but then noticed Tsukki's long body stalking them from above. [Name] clicked her tongue and glared at him, but then shot a sweet smile to Yamaguchi.

"Okay," she agreed hesitantly, picking up her stuff and waving bye to Shimizu and the other teammates. The trio walked out of the gym and started on their way home. Yamaguchi made sure to stand in between [Name] and Tsukki because he knew there would be a problem if he didn't. 

"So... How was everyone's first day?" he asked, looking at the other two and trying to relieve the tension.

"Fine," said both Tsukki and [Name], at the same time. Yamaguchi sighed. [Name] looked up at the two taller boys.

"How are you two liking volleyball?" she asked, forcing a sweet smile for Yamaguchi's sake.

"Fine," Tsukki said, making [Name] frown.

"I think it's going great so far!" said Yamaguchi, jumping in, trying to salvage the conversation," Although I didn't get much playing time."

"Aw that's okay, Yamaguchi!" replied [Name], placing her hand on his back with a kind smile," It's only your first day, and I'll be here to cheer you along the entire way!"

"Does that mean you'll be the manager?" asked Yamaguchi, his eyes sparkling.

"I think I will! Everyone seems so fun!" she exclaimed. Yamaguchi and [Name] jumped up and down in excitement as they conversed about being manager and volleyball and Tsukki just clicked his tongue. 

"Well, we're at my house now. Walk with us tomorrow, [Name]?" asked Yamaguchi.

"Yes! If that's alright," she said with a smile.

"Okay then! I'll see you guys tomorrow then!" said Yamaguchi with a wave, and then walked into his house, leaving just [Name] and Tsukki to keep walking. [Name] looked up at Tsukki who stared straight ahead and kept walking. She ran up to keep walking beside him in silence. Tsukki turned to look down at [Name] and snickered. Of course, [Name] heard this and frowned.

"What is your PROBLEM?" she asked, her hands balling into fists once again. He gave her his side-eye.

"Your nose is purple," he scoffed. [Name] stopped in her tracks and immediately brought her hand to cover her face.

"You did this!" [Name] yelled, her voice muffled because her hand was still covering her mouth. Her eyebrows furrowed as Tsukki chuckled, the edges of his mouth turning up in the slightest. [Name] found herself blushing at his slight show of emotion. She didn't realize it before because she was mad at him half the time, but Tsukkishima was quite attractive. Tsukki turned and walked into his house unlocking the door and closing it behind him, not looking back. [Name] shook her head and walked the rest of the way home by herself, alone with her thoughts and Tsukkishima's stoic, stupid face plastered in her brain.

w: 1174

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