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[Name]'s face twisted into a puzzled frown.

"I'm, uh," [Name] started, looking down with her face red," I had to come here to... gettutoringformath," she muttered rushedly," Wait, shouldn't you be at practice anyway?" She hoped she didn't have to see him until class tomorrow morning.

"Looks like you are the one keeping me from it," Tsukki said with a sigh, sitting down next to her and taking out a notebook neatly labeled math. [Name]'s frown grew in realization.

"You're my tutor?!" exclaimed [Name]," Great, this is just great!" she said, staring at the table, her fists so tight her nails dug into her palms.

"The feeling's mutual, chibi-chan." [Name] looked at him sharply at the name he called her.

"Don't call me that," she said with a frown," let's get this over with."

"Yeah, I don't want to be here for longer than I need to be," Tsukki muttered. [Name] sighed and grabbed some crumpled notebook paper and her math homework.

"Well, Professor Tsukkishima, what's first?" [Name] said with a smug look on her face. Tsukki clicked his tongue and sat back in his chair.

"Try doing the first problem, and don't call me that," he said with a sneer.

"Okay, fine, Professor Tsukkishima," she repeated with a smirk, and then looked at the worksheet. The numbers made no sense in her head, much less any of the letters. [Name] tried to replay the steps Mrs. Akinawa taught her in her head, and wrote them out, finally getting an answer.

"I got it!" [Name] said proudly, shoving the paper toward him. Tsukki took just a glance at the paper and chuckled.

"It's wrong," he said, pushing it back without explanation.

"What?" said [Name] with a puzzled look on her face. She stared at the problem a bit more, but couldn't see where she had gone wrong.

"I don't get it," she said with a pout, tapping her pencil on the desk. Tsukkishima sighed and slid the paper back towards him.

"Damn, you don't have to sound so rude," [Name] said, resting her head on her palm and looking up at Tsukki.

"Walk me through what you did so we can figure out what you did wrong," He said, ignoring [Name]'s comment.

"Well, first I moved over all the constants, and then I divided-"

"See, this is where you went wrong. You have to switch the sign if you have to divide by a negative, so you need to switch the sign. Now, work the rest out," said Tsukki, pointing out the mistake with his pencil. [Name]'s mouth made an 'O' shape as she worked out the rest of the problem, this time getting the right answer.

"Ohh! I get it now," said [Name], her eyes sparkling with contentment.

"Yeah, I can't believe you messed up on something so simple, chibi-chan," Tsukki said with a snarky tone, pushing his glasses up. [Name] frowned and playfully punched his arm, making the blonde glare down at her.

"Shut up Professor Tsukkishima," [Name] shot back," Now, can I leave?"

"Unfortunately no, you need to do all of the problems on the worksheet," said Tsukki with a deep sigh," and I'm tired of you already."

"Rude!" shot back [Name], who rested her head on the table," But there's so many," she groaned.

"There's only fifteen, so if you hurry up we can get out of here faster," said Tsukki, kicking the [Hair Color] haired girl's leg under the table to get her up.

The rest of the hour passed by, with a couple, well, frequent, bumps in the road, but Tsukki eventually helped [Name] with the rest of the problems.

"That makes a lot more sense," said [Name], shoving her books into her bag," Thanks a lot, Professor Tsukkishima," she giggled.

"I told you not to call me that, chibi-chan," said Tsukki, clicking his tongue. [Name] laughed and slung her bag over her shoulder, on her way to walk out. Tsukki followed behind but kept a distance from [Name]. The duo started on their way home as the sun started to set, not exchanging a word between them. The evening glow shone on their faces, the only noise being their footsteps.

[Name] stared at her feet, trying to think of a conversation starter, when she heard another pair of footsteps, one that wasn't her or Tsukki's. She stopped, leaving Tsukki to walk ahead of her, and turned around to see a tall man, who seemed older than the two of them, smiling at her with a creepy smile.

"Um, can I help you?" she asked him, taking a small step back, curling her fists onto the straps of her bag.

"You sure can," the man said, stepping closer, reaching his hand closer to [Name]'s shoulder.

"Are you coming, [Name]?" asked a voice from above. [Name] whipped around to see Tsukki behind her, looming over both her and the man. The man locked eyes with Tsukki and gave him a quick nod and walked away without a word. [Name] blinked and looked up into Tsukki's eyes.

"You didn't have to do that-" [Name] started.

"I can't let a little chibi-chan get hurt out in the big world," he remarked with a smirk and kept walking. [Name] frowned and ran up to catch up with Tsukki.

"I totally could've handled that myself,"[Name] said with a huff, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Really? With the way you were frozen standing there, I'd thought that you were a caveman just taken out of a freezer" Tsukki sneered.

"I can't even thank you in peace," [Name] pouted with a huff, walking ahead of Tsukki.

"Oh, chibi-chan is so whiny now. Wah wah wah," mocked Tsukki, putting his hands in his pockets.

"I'm going to report Professor Tsukkishima to the school board for bullying his students," [Name] said, just loud enough so Tsukki could hear.

The two high schoolers bickered all the way till they reached Tsukki's driveway.

"Okay, but for real... Thanks for that," [Name] said before Tsukki could walk up to the door, hiding her face so Tsukki couldn't use it against her. She heard a scoff and footsteps walking away.

"Whatever, chibi-chan," he said, walking into his house and closing the door behind him, just pissing off [Name] even further.

"I actually hate him..." she muttered and walked the rest of the way by herself.

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