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[Name] grumbled at the annoying ringing of her alarm clock, slamming the screen of her phone to turn it off. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, swinging her legs off the bed and eager to get ready for the day. She stared at her mirror while she brushed her teeth, contemplating if she should do her makeup like yesterday. [Name] decided against it, blushing as she recalled her and Oikawa's date from the night before.

[Name] walked out of the library to find Oikawa leaning against the wall, waiting for her. The girl's face instantly brightened as she walked over to him.

"Hope I didn't make you wait long," she muttered with a blush, embarrassed that she needed tutoring at all.

"No worries," chirped Oikawa with a big smile, taking her hand and leading [Name] away from the library. [Name] glanced back to say bye to Tsukkishima, but he was already long gone. Turning back around and seeing her hand in his, she shyly tugged it away, a blush once again forming on her cheeks.

"So where are we going?" [Name] asked, fidgeting with her uniform top. Oikawa chuckled and retook her hand, catching [Name] by surprise.

"It's a surprise! And don't be nervous, it's just me," he said gently, looking deep into her [Eye Color] eyes with his big brown ones. [Name]'s face was burning at this point, breaking eye contact with Oikawa and smiling, not pulling her hand away this time.

After a while of walking and small talk, [Name]'s legs were getting tired, and she was about to ask Oikawa if they were almost there until he abruptly stopped. [Name] looked up to see the most lively, beautiful garden she had ever seen. Butterflies and birds dotted the sky of the almost secret garden, its beauty only restrained by a dainty white fence.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Oikawa said, chuckling at [Name]'s admiring expression," C'mon, let's go inside." Oikawa led [Name] through a skinny dirt path, tall trees and flowering plants shading the two from the setting sun. [Name]'s eyes wandered throughout the entire garden, taking in the views- the colorful flowers, snaking vines of leaves, and, though she hated to admit it, Oikawa's face. 

[Name] found a patch of sunflowers and looked up at them in awe, as their stems began to crane down as the sun set, almost as if they were looking down at her. Sunflowers were her favorite flower- she loved the way they faced the sun, always searching for the light. Oikawa walked up behind her and gently brushed her hair behind her right ear, placing a dainty bluebell behind it. [Name]'s face heated up as she turned to look at him.

"You look beautiful," he said, "Though I prefer you with the messy bun and sweats you were wearing last weekend," he chuckled, earning a slap on the chest from [Name].

The same bluebell now sat wilted on [Name]'s desk as she packed her bag and left for school. 


Yamaguchi and Tsukkishima were already in class when [Name] arrived, sitting in her usual seat beside Yamaguchi, smiling at the said boy. Her morning was going so well until she heard an annoying, snarky voice coming from a certain blonde.

"I didn't know you were into pedophiles, [Name]," Tsukkishima said with a smirk. [Name]'s face grew hot as Yamaguchi shot her a confused look.

"I was just hanging out with Oikawa last night," she muttered as an explanation to Yamaguchi, fighting the urge to jump out of her seat and slap Tsukkishima.

"Why didn't you tell me? I want to hear everything!" said Yamaguchi, feeling a hint of betrayal that Tsukkishima knew something about [Name] that he didn't.

"I didn't want to tell you because I felt like I was literally committing an act of treason as Karasuno's manager, and I still kind of feel that way," [Name] said, laughing lightly," The only reason he knew is because he saw us leave the library."

The trio's conversation was interrupted by Mrs. Akinawa's heels clicking into the room, silencing the class as she began to teach for the day.

"Alright class, you better pay close attention to the content for the next few days, because it, along with everything we've learned this far, will be on Friday's quiz!" The class groaned, and [Name] bit her lip in nervousness. With her manager duties on top of the stuff she had to do for her other classes, she had no clue when she would be able to study for math. Her studying probably wouldn't be effective anyways. 

[Name] tried to absorb as much math into her brain as possible, hoping that the very few notes she had taken would be useful on Friday.


[Name] walked into the gym with Yamaguchi for practice that evening, venting to him about how hard she thought the math quiz would be.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. I can help you study too if you'd like!" he proposed with a smile. [Name] nodded in gratitude, knowing she would definitely need his help. As the duo walked, in, they noticed an older man with blonde hair, his hair held up by a thin white headband.

"Why is Tsukkishima's dad here?" [Name] joked, unable to see the man's face, earning a chuckle from Yamaguchi and a scowl from Tsukkishima, who was already in the gym. The man [Name] was referring to turned and glared at [Name], causing a shiver to go down her spine. She recognized him as the man who worked at the local corner shop.

"[Name], this is Coach Ukai! Well, the younger version," interjected Takada Sensei, interrupting before Coach Ukai could say anything he would regret.

"I told you, I'm not the coach! Not until I see how you guys play tomorrow," Ukai replied.

"Play? You mean practice, right?" asked Hinata, confused about the older man's statement.

"Nope, you heard me right. Tomorrow, you guys will be playing a friendly match with some of my old friends that are part of the Karasuno Neighborhood Volleyball Association," Ukai said with a smirk," I'll see how much potential you guys have then."

The boys in the gym started chattering in excitement, eager to start playing when [Name] noticed two new faces bickering, faces that weren't Kageyama or Hinata. One of the boys was short and had fluffed-up hair that definitely added to his height while the other loomed over him, his brown hair tied up into a man bun. Though the taller male looked a lot scarier to [Name], it seemed the short one was the one intimidating the other.

"That's Nishinoya and Asahi. Nishinoya just got off suspension and Asahi was forced to come back by NIshinoya," said Kiyoko, noticing the curiosity that was written all over [Name]'s face. [Name] laughed nervously, and upon hearing the laughter of a girl other than Kiyoko, Nishinoya rushed over to where the two were standing, pushing his face up close to [Name]'s to get a good look at her face.

"Tanaka... You didn't tell me we now have not one, but two hot managers? Asahi, you better agree to come back to the team just so I can look at these two beauties together," Nishinoya said, extending his arm towards [Name], whose face slowly turned beet red. Sugawara approached him and dragged him away from the two managers, scolding the shorter boy.

"Alright everyone, let's practice well today so we can do our best tomorrow!" Daichi yelled, urging the rest of the boys to start practicing for their next game.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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