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[Name] lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. A lot happened today and she had to take some time to process it all. She heard a knock on her door and she rolled over, not mentally prepared to face what was coming.

"Come in!" she said, her voice muffled by the pillow her face was in. Her older brother burst open the door and flashed her a bright smile, only for it to falter when he noticed her entire being buried in her sheets.

"Well...How was your first day of high school, munchkin!" Sora said. [Name] sighed at her childhood nickname she so despised.

"Fine," she said, rolling over in her bed and wishing he left. Sora pouted and flopped onto her desk chair.

"That's no way to talk to your older brother..." he said and flicked her forehead. Her brother goes to college in a few weeks, so he was still at home and, well, still there to annoy [Name].

"It was just boring, and everything was hard..." she complained, burying herself in her sheets once again.

"Well, that's what high school is like. Imagine col-" 

"I don't need you to lecture me again, you're such a grandpa," [Name] said, to get him to stop talking. Sora's face fell and he fake cried.

"You're so mean [Name]-chan!" he said, storming out of the room. [Name] chuckled. He acted more immature than [Name] did sometimes, although he was also the polar opposite of her. [Name] used to try and be like him when she was little, more outgoing and she tried to be as friendly to everyone as possible. It didn't work as well for her as it did for her brother, though. She didn't have many friends, much less any guys flying to her side. The only girls who'd talk to her were trying to hook up with her brother... leaving them with a pretty bad relationship. So, she stopped trying in 8th grade and stopped caring about what anyone thought of her. [Name] decided to focus on her grades, and stuff that actually mattered, though it barely seemed to help her. 

But, today, she felt special, and so welcomed by the boy's volleyball team and Kiyoko senpai, with the exception of Tsukkishima. 

A faint smile danced on her lips as she sighed and got up to sit at her desk and got started on her homework. [Name] stared at her math worksheet for a solid 5 minutes with a blank expression on her face. She groaned, slamming her pencil on the table when she heard a ping from her phone. She picked it up to see that Yamaguchi had texted her. He had given her his number earlier in the day.

Hey, [Name]-chan! It's Yamaguchi : ) just texting so you can put in my contact!

A faint smile danced on [Name]'s lips as she proceeded to put in his contact information, texting him back with a yessir!  This brought in the thought of having Tsukki's number in her phone, surprising the [Hair Color] haired girl with her own thoughts, shaking her head with a heavy sigh. 

[Name] flopped back onto the bed and groaned into her pillow. She had given up on her homework and had to ask her oh-so-perfect older brother Sora to help, which didn't end up very well, due to both Sora's incompetence at teaching and [Name]'s stubbornness.  After many failed attempts at compiling the homework, she resorted to going to bed.


The next day, [Name] arrived at school a bit early and sat in her math class, trying to figure out how to do last night's homework, asking her teacher for some help.

"You just substitute this for this, and then simplify!" said Mrs. Akinawa, drawing various arrows and numbers all around her problems. Still, [Name] sat there clueless, with a blank expression on her face, unable to match the steps to the numbers. Mrs. Akinawa sighed as students slowly started to stream in as class was about to start. She got up and headed to her desk, leaving the confused [Name]at her desk. She spotted Tsukki and Yamaguchi walking into the classroom and she quickly wrote in random numbers on her page and set her "completed" homework neatly on her table.

"Hi, [Name]-chan!" Yamaguchi, sitting down in his seat. Tsukki sat in front of him, without a word, as expected. The lesson began right as the bell rang, and Mrs. Akinawa started writing all over the board. [Name] tried her best to keep up with how fast she wrote the equations on the board, her hand scrawling messy numbers all over her notes. Tsukki heard the loud pencil noises and glanced back, snickering at her, making [Name] frown. The bell rang as soon as Mrs. Akinawa finished the notes.

"Pages 10 to 12 today, I'll be picking them up tomorrow!" Mrs. Akinawa said as students flooded out of her class. [Name] picked up her things and shoved them into her bookbag, about to go catch up with Tsukki and Yamaguchi before she felt something grab her wrist. She turned around to see Mrs. Akinawa giving her a stern look. Yamaguchi looked back at [Name], who just waved him away.

"[Name], I don't think math is your strongest concept," she said, raising her eyebrow," You couldn't even understand solving inequalities, and it's only going to get harder from here," she said, making her frown deeply and stare at her feet in embarrassment.

"I'm only here to help you, [Name], don't be upset, it's fine," she said with a smile," But I do think that you're going to need to stay after school, for a tutor for my class."

"W-What?" [Name] stuttered," I'm a manager for the boy's volleyball team now, I have to be there!" she said, clutching the straps of her bag tightly.

"Don't worry, it's only once a week, I'm sure they'll be able to adjust," she said, with a bold smile," I already have a tutor for you, and he's in your grade so it'll be easier for you to get along and understand each other. Just meet in the library after school," she said, gathering her papers and placing them on her desk neatly," Now go to class! Don't be late!" she said. [Name] gave her a slight bow with a small "Thank you!" and rushed to her English class.

Tsukki and [Name] bickered all throughout English class, and the rest of the day went by quickly. [Name] pouted as she walked past the gym and to the library. She'd rather be surrounded by the boys' positive vibe instead of...math.

She sat at a table by a window, putting her books beside her and wondering who would be her tutor.

'She said he would be in my grade,' she thought but was startled by a noise she heard beside her and looked up to see a tall blonde male, wearing a scowl on his face and pushing up his glasses.

"What are you doing here?"

w: 1172

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