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[Name] sighed to herself as she heaved what seemed like an endless pile of books onto her desk. School was such a dread to her.

"Like we're even going to use this in the future..." she muttered to herself, grabbing her pencil out of her bag and slamming it on the table, slouching back into her seat angrily and crossing her arms in front of her. A boy with shaggy brown hair sat in the desk beside her and flashed her a bright smile.

"Hi! I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi," he said and held out his hand. She shook it and gave him a slight smile.

"I'm [Last Name] [Name], " [Name] said with a stern voice. Tadashi laughed.

"You sound so formal, [Name]-chan!" he said. [Name] blinked and gave him a slight pout, only saying her entire name because she wasn't sure how close she wanted to be to anyone, making Tadashi giggle. Suddenly the two heard a large thud of a bag on the desk in front of Yamaguchi. A very tall blonde boy sat down and turned to face only Yamaguchi, ignoring [Name]'s presence entirely.

"Oh hey, Tsukki!" Tadashi said with his signature smile, "This is [Name]," he said, motioning to the said girl. [Name] raised her eyebrow and slouched back in her seat. The blonde- Tsukki- didn't even take a moment to look at [Name] and just turned around to stare at the front of the classroom. She rolled her eyes and glanced at Yamaguchi who just shrugged.

"He's always like that," he whispered across to her. She gave Yamaguchi a soft smile when the classroom door slammed open, causing [Name] and a couple of others to jump in their seats.

"Okay people!" a tall, stern-looking woman said, holding a thick stack of papers in her hand. [Name] and Yamaguchi exchanged a look as the teacher placed the papers in the middle of her clean desk.

"Whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me first thing every school day, and even better, for MATH." She said, turning around to write her name on the board. Her hair was tied into a tight bun and her clothes were ironed completely, with not a wrinkle to be seen. [Name] heard a couple of boys around her say inappropriate things about her, causing her to turn and scowl at them. The teacher turned back around, moving over to show her name, " Mrs. Akinawa," written neatly in perfect cursive.

"Now," she said, staring down at all of the students," Open your books to page 20." And with that, the first day of class started.


When the bell rang, [Name] felt exhausted and her hand cramped from constantly writing throughout the class period.

"She is a killer!" groaned Yamaguchi, packing up his stuff and slinging his backpack on," What's your next class [Name]?" She checked her schedule.

"I have English," [Name] replied.

"Oh, ok. I'll see you later then, [Name]" said Yamaguchi with a wave, rushing out of the room to get to his next class in time.

[Name] started to walk to her next class, English, another one of her, well, worse, classes. She stalked into the room and noticed that Tsukki was sitting in the middle of the room. Raising her eyebrow, she went and decided to sit next to him.

"Hi, um, I was in your last class. [Last Name] [Name]. Yamaguchi introduced me to-" she said but stopped abruptly when he turned slightly, giving her a nasty side-eye.

"Who are you?" he asked, in a monotonic voice. [Name]'s jaw dropped and her eyebrows furrowed. She turned around to face the board angrily and pouted. Tsukki snickered quietly, still facing away from [Name]. The rest of the class was so loud that no one noticed when the teacher walked in and sat down, well, besides [Name] and Tsukki, who weren't talking to each other or anyone else.

"HEY CLASS!" he yelled, clapping his hands together. The class went quiet and started to pay attention to him.

"I'm Mr. Lee, I'll be your English teacher this year! I can't WAIT to read some stories with you all!" [Name] groaned at this. She HATED English, even more than math. She slouched back into her seat as the teacher started reading Shakespeare. She laid her head on the table and drifted to sleep, the voice of Mr. Lee fading away into nothing. 

At the end of class, the bell rang and startled [Name] out of her slumber, prompting her to quickly move her hair out of her face and wipe her mouth. She heard a snicker and looked up to see Tsukki's tall form stalking down on her. She let out a little humph and let her hair fall to cover her embarrassed face and started to get her things together for her next class.

The rest of the day went the same with quiet snores shielding [Name] from any noise coming from the rest of her teachers. She sighed defeatedly as the final bell rang, and she started on her way home. As she walked, she noticed a short man running in her direction.

"What the-" she started backing up as he approached.

"Hey wait!" he said, making her stop in her tracks, with a confused look plastered on her face.

"I'm Takeda Sensei, I supervise the boy's volleyball team here! We're looking for another manager, ours will graduate soon. Are you interested?" he said, which seemed in all in one breath. [Name] blinked and looked down at the flier he had.

"Oh um, sure I'll take-" she started, but Takeda Sensei took her hand and started running. [Name] yelped and had no choice but to run as well, her bag almost falling as they ran through campus.

"Where are we going?" [Name] yelled as she ran behind the teacher. He stopped at a tall blue gym and [Name] huffed and put her hands on her knees to catch her breath.

"Today's the first official day of practice of the year! You can come and watch us today and see if you want to participate!" said Takeda. [Name] raised her eyebrows and gave him a slight smile.

"Um sure, I don't have anything else planned so-"

"Great! Come on in!" he said, opening the door to the gym, which was full of the sound of volleyballs slamming into the ground. [Name] stepped into the gym right behind Takeda Sensei and looked around.

"That's a lot of tall people in one place," she said with a weak smile. Her smile then dropped as she spotted a tuft of blonde hair sticking up higher than the rest of the crowd.

"[Name]! What are you doing here?" said a voice from behind. [Name] turned to see Yamaguchi's freckled face with a bright smile.

"Oh hey, Yamaguchi!" she said," You're on the volleyball team?"

"Yeah!" he said," And so is Tsukki!" [Name]'s smile faltered as she turned back around to see the tall blonde male jumping to hit a volleyball, which happened to slam right into her face.

She fell backward onto the floor and the ball rolled off her, revealing a bloody nose.

"Ow..." she said, laying her head back down. She heard the sound of sneakers approaching.

"Are you okay?" asked a boy with orange hair leaning over her.

"Move, I want to see," said a taller black-haired boy, grabbing the one with orange hair and pushing him out of the way. [Name] sighed and sat up.

"Yeah I'm fine, my nose just hurts," she said. A grey-haired boy pushed the two boys out of the way and stretched out a hand to help her up. [Name] accepted and got up, wiping the blood off of her nose.

"Don't mind them. I'm Sugawara. You must be our potential new manager," [Name] nodded.

"[Name]?! Are you okay?" asked Yamaguchi rushing over. She nodded.

"I'm fine," she said, looking around to find Tsukkishima's face. She wanted to punch him through the wall. He was just standing there, arms crossed in front of him, with no expression of remorse on his face at all.

"This is going to be interesting..." [Name] muttered under her breath.

w: 1370

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