𝐼 𝑇𝑜𝑟𝑢𝑘 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑡𝑜

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there we were. Walking down the isle like the day we were born. My mother neytiri was in tears, she couldn't bear leaving her home. I walked close to neteyam practically linking my arm to his. The 14 years of my life were all thrown out the window because of the sky people.

"I don't want to leave."  I whisper to my brother as we start mounting our ikrans.
"Neither do i, but we gotta move on at some point." Neteyam replys. I climb on my ikran Lo'ak sitting behind me. We start to leave.


The air was thick, growing colder as we flew. From above we could see the forests below. Creatures were all around us. We just kept moving. The rain was cooling, the sun was kind to us. The night was safe. We could see water, we knew we were getting close.

"Are we there yet?" Tuk whined.

"Almost.." Said Neytiri

We rode for 3 days just to find a safe place. And finally we saw the outline of what looked like an island. As we got closer I could see more people like me. But they were very different.  They had our height and hair But they had cyan skin And blue eyes. There tails and arms were thick, must be for swimming. My ikran slowly landed neteyam jumped off and so did i.

With in seconds people surrounded us, but a boy caught my eye. He had his hair in a tight bun. We made eyecontact until tuk came over to me. I picked her up placing her on my thigh.
i looked at the boy again holding eye contact. He smirked.

I mouth to him, he puts his hand to his heart playfully.

he mouths back, i roll my eyes at him. The boy walks over to his friend who starts mocking us. The boy just laughs along with his friend

"What is that?" a boy said laughing. "is that suppost to be a tail?" He was mocking us nastily. He tried to grab my tail so i hissed at him making him back off.

A young girl dived out of the water, she walked over to us. Lo'ak stood there not realising he was staring. I elbowed him in the stomach making him flinch. The girl flicked the boy to stop him from mocking us. The reefs cheif and his mate walked over.

"we seek shelter we are hiding from war. " My father said.

"The reef people Do not want your war." Tonawari replied keeping himself controlled

"We aren't bringing war! okay? Look i just want to keep my family safe." Jake replied more annoyed at tonawaris answer.

"you are forest people. This is reef land. You don't know our ways." Says tonowari

"We will learn. Please give us a chance"

A lady walks around our family looking us up and down.

"your tails are to thin." she grabs neteyams tail making him yelp. " you will be swept away by the currents."

She walks past me and tuk. The lady grabs Kiri's arm. "Arms to thin!" Kiri trys to pull her arm away. "They aren't even real Na'vi!" She grabs lo'aks hand. He looks down in shame. "They have demon blood!" everyone gasps. Tuk nuzzles her head into my neck scared for her life.

"Look. I was born as the sky people. See? But i was changed to Na'vi and i learnt the forest peoples ways so we can learn yours too."

The lady walks to him with a disgusted face.
"He was toruk makto A far braver warrior." My mother said.

"please mind her." father says

"Jake."Mother says annoyed

" She is tired from the traveling. "  father is trying to calm her but i think he is making it worse.

Tonowari looks at his mate and the discuss quietly. "Treat these people like your brotehrs and sisters. They will be like newborn babies taking their first breaths. Teach them our ways."

I sigh out of relief at neteyam who is smiling.
I put tuk down who now is very exited.

"My son Aonung and my daughter Tsireya will teach your children." Tonawari says

Aonung looks shocked at what his father just said. "father! Why do i-!"

"It is decided then!" tonowari shouts.

We all focus to tsireya. "Please let me show you our village!"

 𝑂𝐶𝐸𝐴𝑁 𝐸𝑌𝐸𝑆 ✰𝐴𝑜𝑛𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟✰ (𝐴𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑟)Where stories live. Discover now