𝑉𝐼𝐼 𝑈𝑛𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝑎𝑟

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We stand on the docs calling our ilu's. The sun is hanging low, My ilu finally arrived. I looked over at tuk who was having a hard time calling her ilu.

"Tuk, maybe you should stay here?" I suggested. She looks at me and make a disappointed sound. "its for the best." Tsireya pats tuk's shoulder. Tuk was very upset so she starts to walk away.

"Tuk, wait" I say. "Come ride with me" I say dramatically. She squeals and jumps over to my ilu. "Hold on tight" I whisper and we all dive in the water.

Aonung signs to us.

rotxo signs as we all dismounted our ilus hiding in the seaweed.

A large tulkun swims over. We see lo'ak sitting on top. Lo'ak dives in the water, signing to the tulkun.

He pats the tulkun, the tulkun proceeds to open its mouth.

Lo'ak swims inside leaving me in shock. I cover my mouth. My hands feel numb i look over at neteyam who also has a nervous look on his face. I try to keep myself steady in the water.

Aonung places a hand on my shoulder allowing me to calm down. After 10 seconds he lets go and points towards the mouth of thetulkun. It starts to open and Lo'ak swims out uninjured. I feel releif wash over me and i look toawrds neteyam again who has murder written all over his face. He looks over at me

Neteyam signs.

I sign to him smiling slightly.

We both share huge smiles and then we swim away to our ilu's.


Its nightfall and we sit around a campfire. Me, Neteyam and Aonung have a strange conversation about fish but not for long. I loud horn was blown. Aonung, tsireya and rotxo all looked confused.

"Are there more of you tulkuns?" I ask.

"No.. They only come once a year" Rotxo replies looking over at the water. "look!"He points at the water. There in the distance were my parents and Aonung's parents and there it was.

A mother and baby tulkun lay dead in the water. I gasp before covering my mouth.

"Oh shit." two words i would've never expected from tsireya. People surrounded the sand near the water in dispear.

"What the hell.. But how-" Neteyam starts. Then realisation washes over him.

"Sky people." kiri mumbles under her breath.

"But how? How could they find us?" I ask. I can feel my hands shiver.

"Who knows." lo'ak responds. We all run across the paths straight to the crowd. Everyone was gathered in a pod, Tonowari and Ronal stood in the middle of the crowd, Neytiri and jake next to them.

"We must fight for our brothers and sisters!" Tonowari shouts making everyoen cheer.

"No! You don't understand. They are coming for me! If you get in there way they will kill you!" Jake argues back

"Then we will kill them!" Ronal screams and everyone cheers again. Even Aonung cheers. But tsireya has concern all over her face.

"Tonight! When the moon falls we battle!" tonowari shouts once again making a strange movement with his tounge which Aonung copys. I can't deal with it, i shove past Aonung and he notices. He tries to grab my wrist but i slip away from him.

I start running. Faster then ever, i hear Aonung calling my name but i couldn't bare being with anyone at the moment. I eventually reached the more sandy area of the island. I could not hear Aonung so i hoped i had lost him.

I sat on the beach my legs up to my chest. We were going to die for sure. My dad told me storys of the sky people, the way they torture  people. Just thinking about it made me feel sick. My eyes became blurred and i could feel warm water rolling down my cheek.

I hear Aonung calling me again.

"Y/N! Where are you?" He shouts. I can't physically move. My body is exhausted from stress, so he just walks over to me. He hugs me but i push away.

"Stay away from me!" i yell at him. He looks really shocked.

"We escaped war! And now you cheer your father on for it? What is wrong with you!" i shout at him pointing at the sea tears now streaming down my face.

"We are prepared. We are warriors" Aonung replies calmly.

"thats what you don't understand! These sky people aren't what you think they are. They may be small but they have greater weapons that will kill us. ALL OF US!" My voice trembles.

"These people killed my grandfather Eytukan. He was toruk makto, far greater warrior than my father. The only reason my father won the war was because eywa was by his side. The sky people killed many trained warriors with tiny metal things. We have no chance Aonung! " I screamed at him. I fall to the ground and scrunch back up into a ball. Aonung hugs me again and i just stay there. I was so upset and was now upset with my self for taking it out on him.

" Im sorry" I say trying to gulp back tears.

"Its okay" He replied, calmly. We stayed in that position for 5 minutes before tsireya and Rotxo call us from the water.

"Its lo'ak!" Tsireya shouts, i jump on her ilu and Aonung jumps on rotxo's. We dive in the water at full speed.

"Lo'ak!" Tsireya shouts. By the time we get on the doc lo'ak jumps in the water.

"Lo'ak!!" Aonung shouts as he runs over to neteyam. Neteyam hits Aonung's chest Symbolising to follow him. We get back on our ilus and try to follow lo'ak he is quick but we are close behind.

"Lo'ak! Come back!" rotxo shouts. After some travelling we see a tulkun floating in the water. It was the one that lo'ak bonded with. We all rise out of the water.

"Come on! Help me!" lo'ak shouts pointing to a red peice of metal. It belonged to the sky people. We all jumped on the tulkuns back frantically pulling the red metal. Nothing worked. We tied some rope to it and Aonung climed on an ilu trying to pull it out. Still no use. We all pull again

"Pull harder!" Lo'ak shouts.

"They're coming!" Tsireya shouts and points to a large boat. We finally managed to get the metal out of the tulkun but it was too late.

The sky people saw us.

 𝑂𝐶𝐸𝐴𝑁 𝐸𝑌𝐸𝑆 ✰𝐴𝑜𝑛𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟✰ (𝐴𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑟)Where stories live. Discover now