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After we set up "camp" i sat next to Tuk. I could tell she was exhausted. She sat on my lap and slowly dozed off. Neteyam and Lo'ak came and sat down Kiri kneeling behind me.

"So.. What do you guys think about this place?"
Lo'ak asked. We all share strange faces and lo'ak instantly understands.

"That witch of a lady, who does she think she is. Grabbing our tails and hands like we are toys!"
Kiri exlaimed angrily. I get her anger. I was really annoyed by the way she treated us.

"And the way they called us demons!" Neteyam shouted, a little bit too loud.

"Are we actually demons.." A sleepy, Timid voice asks. Tuk turns to face everyone.
Kiri exchanges looks with neteyam.

"Of course we aren't." I said, Neytiri and jake turn to us. We didn't notice.

"We are just..." i pause trying to find the correct words. "Special. In different ways"
Tuk nodds of to sleep again. Neytiri stands up and proceeds to tell us to sleep. I lay tuk down and i lie down next to kiri.

"What if they 're right?.." i ask, kiri looks at mewith a slight hum coming out her mouth.
"do you think we will get swept away. What if we drown?! Or what if-" at the exact moment jake walks over.

"Your not gonna drown or get swept away. This clan has many trained swimmers, that is what they do all day everyday. They will keep you safe." Jake says.

"yeah but what if She's right?" Says kiri.

"I promise you that you can do it." says jake.

Before i knew it the room was becoming darker and darker my the minute. Everything became quiet to the point i could only hear the waves.
I slowly dozed into sleep.


Tsireya, Aonung and rotxo all dived into the water elegantly on the other hand the sully siblings jumped in like loonies. They look around at the water in amazment. I turn my head to the others and i notice Aonung staring at me. When he realises that im looking he turns his head away in embarrassment.

W all start swimming further. Tuk starts playing with fish. Lo'ak and Neteyam are watching the crabs and I'm looking at shells. Tsireya comes over to me with Anoung. She shows me what a shell can do. It opens and there is a shining pearl on the inside. She swims off to help Lo'ak who has a crab pinching his hand.

I float there in amazment of the pearl. Aonung looks at me and starts smiling. He grabs a shell and to his luck he got 3 pearls. He starts doong hand signals, i float there in confusion i tilts my head and pull a face.

He must of noticed i didnt know the sign language so he makes hand signals. He points to the pearls and to my necklace. He must of ment i can make a necklace out of them. After a while of collecting pearls i start to feel my lungs close. My chest feels like it is about to explode. I start rapidly swiming to the surface. To my surprise neteyam, Lo'ak and Tuk are already there. We all take a gasp of breath before swimming again, but this time we rush back to the surface.

"What is wrong with them?" rotxo signed to the others. They swam up to the surface.
"So you might not be good in water but you can swing on trees" Aonung starts laughing but gets hit on the face by Tsireya.

"slow down! Your too fast for us!" Tuk whines.

"Just breathe." Tsireya says as she dive back into the water.

We head into the water and start swiming. Neteyam is with tuk whilst Lo'ak is with rotxo and Tsireya. Im with Aonung. I turn my head to him and he is staring ahead of us. He ends up turning to me.

I mouth "where are we going" but end up regreting it after the salty ness enters my mouth. I pull a face which Aonung smiles at. He pointed up. We all swam up and saw lots of fish swimming about.

"you want to be like us? You must ride like us"

 𝑂𝐶𝐸𝐴𝑁 𝐸𝑌𝐸𝑆 ✰𝐴𝑜𝑛𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟✰ (𝐴𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑟)Where stories live. Discover now