𝑉 𝐶𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟

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i wake up and look down at my leg. It is fully bandaged. Tuk it sitting by my head Lo'ak and Aonung both completely passed out, bandages wrapped around their heads and arms.

"Your awake!" Tuk whispers whilst hugging my head. She quickly gets up and runs outside Whislt shouting "Mom, dad!" i couldnt help by sigh. I was gonna get lectured so badly. My dad ran inside with my mom by his side.

"Hey you alright?" Jake asks cupping my face whilst helping me up.

"if you cross the fact that i stone crushed my leg of the list then yeah, im fine." i say whilst wincing. "how long was i out?" i ask.

"5 hours" neytiri says sitting next to me. she hugged me tightly. "those two refused to leave, i mean its your older brother and your lover."
Neytiri mocks.

"Okay first of all Lo'ak is older by 4 minutes and- uh- Aonung isn't my- i mean-" i stutter.

Both my parents chuckles. "i dont know what happened, i went looking for lo'ak and then we got attacked"

"There is a lot going on for you at the moment baby girl. So get some rest." jake said then he kissed my forehead. Before walking out back to the cheif and his wife.

"Thats gonna be an awsome scar" Tuk exclaims. She really lightened the room. I smiled so hard. Then hugged her. I felt myself slowly fall asleep.


I woke up to see no one in the room. I was surprised that Aonung wasn't there the most. I looked around whilst trying to stand up. Tsireya walks in happily.

"thank goodness your okay!" She announced walking into the room. She gently pulled me into a hug. I couldn't help but smile.

"Aonung was so worried last night, he didn't sleep. Its the first time I've seen him cry." Tsireya whispers. Those words shocked me, he cried because of my injury?

"well... Is he okay now?" i ask with concern ing my voice.

"Yeah. I took a couple hours for my mother to calm him but he eventually fell asleep." She whispered once again.

"So. Is that the reason you came here? Or was there something you wanted to say?" my throat felt dry.

"Oh yeah! So every 5 years there is the celebration thing! Its called the celebration of water you and your family should definitely come, Aonung will be there" she mockingly said at the end.  She starts to walk away.

"Tell lo'ak i say hello!" She shouts waving at me before jumping into the water.

I can't help but smile. Its unfortunate that he couldn't sleep. He practically cried himself to sleep but he did it because he cared for me. It gave me warmth.

I closed my eyes and heard a knock.

"Tsireya, don't come and mock me again-"

I open my eyes to Aonung, his eyes were redish. He started to smile. He was filled with joy.

"Thank eywa your okay." He hugs me tightly.

"I can't thank you enough, you practically saved me from dying of pain" i giggle.

We lock eyes. His eyes were filled with love. He started leaning in, my heart was fluttering.

"Uhh sorry to bother you but! AONUNG GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" Neteyam shouts mockingly. Aonung looks at me,

"Celebration of water, tonight. Meet me by the flowers" He whispers winking at me. I can't help but smile.

I look at neteyam pissed "What the fuck neteyam! I almost got my first kiss"

"nope Your too young" he replies chuckling
I groan, he coukd tell i was clearly annoyed. So i change the subject. I tell him about the celebration of water. He tells mom and dad.

Night falls around the clan, the land lights up.


We arrive to a large area. Tuk runs off with kiri to the plants. Neteyam sticks with mom and dad and i notice lo'ak walks over to tsireya.
Tsireya looks at me so i make kissing faces to which she sticks her tounge out at me.

I turn and look for aonung. I see him leaning on a hedge of flowers. My leg is somehow healed. As i walk over i repeat the words in my head. Eywa is with you. She healed you. I was in my thoughts that i walked into Aonung.

"Im sorry!" I gasp.

"Hey chill." He chuckles. "look ive got something to show you" he takes my hand and walks at a slow pace through the village. We get to the water and we mount his ilu. "hold on tight" he says. I feel him breathing on my neck. His warm arms touching my side. I didnt want this moment to end.

"here we are" He said, i looked up and saw a beautiful mountain. Under the water i could see a glowing tree. He takes my hand and we swim under the water. Next to the tree there was a rocky platform. He helps me get up. We sit there for a minute or two.

I look over to him. He looked at me. His eyes followed my body. My thighs, shoulders, neck, jaw and my lips.

He cups the side of my face. "Lets finish off what we started earlier, shall we?"

He leans in and gently kisses me. His lips were soft and warm. I kiss back. It was passionate, but calm. He grabs my waist and I feel myself on him, my legs around his waist. He gently kisses my neck. Aonung places me back down before grabbing his na'vi queue i grab mine.

I take a deep breath. We connect them together. I feel a sudden tingle. He stands up pulling me with him. I could feel his heart his lungs.

"we are mated for life now.. You are forever mine."

 𝑂𝐶𝐸𝐴𝑁 𝐸𝑌𝐸𝑆 ✰𝐴𝑜𝑛𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟✰ (𝐴𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑟)Where stories live. Discover now