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I start yelling To the people in the water. Tuk waves her uncuffed hand. None of them move, i was confused as to why they weren't doing anything until i saw how all the sky people had guns and weapons. That's when i layed my eyes on spider. He stood by Quaritch. Son of a bitch.

"Spider! You bitch! How could you do this to us" i yell. He looks down in shame.

"Fuck you spider!" lo'ak yells also seeing spider next to quaritch.

I turn back to the water, my eyes hovering over everyone. I see my parents, Tsireya's parents and the rest of the clan gathered in the water.
Quaritch walks back over to us. He grabs Lo'aks ear peice and puts it on his ear.

"So, Isn't it the traitor of his own race." Quaritch mocks him.

"I got your kids again. Plus another one." He walks over to tsireya .

"Feisty they are." Quaritch chuckles.

Jake squeezes his eyes tightly. Anger washing over him. "He's got your daughter." Jake says and with that tonowari hisses and shouts at the boat.

"We could kill them, right now. If we attack." Ronal shouts.

"No, they want me. Im the reason we are in this mess." Jake mumbles.

"You! You brought this upon us?" Ronal hissed at jake.

"Yes, and im gonna put it right" Jake starts drifting towards the boat.

"Myjake? Whats going on?" Neytiri asks she is flying with her ikran, she noticed how jake was swimming towards the boat. Her hand placed over her mouth.

"Now jake. Lets not make a bloody mess, come over here and I'll let your kids go." quaritch shouts whilst loading his gun. Some of the soldiers started to rise above the water about to drift over.

"Alone." Quaritch growls. Jake turns to the metkayina clan signing to them to back off, they all settle.

My whole body feels numb, i felt sick. I was terrified at what was going to happen. I see my dad slowly swim over to the boat. Thats when i heard a noise. My ears started twitching. I look in the water, before i know it payakan dives out of the water smashing onto the boat.

Lo'ak starts cheering and so does Tsireya. I smile out of releif. I see many sky people dive into the water some getting crushed by payakan.

"Here bro!" lo'ak says whilst kicking someone under payakans fin.

A smaller boat starts speeding around with the same red metal loaded to fire. A man shoots it towards Payakan but fails. Payakan dives into the water to attack.

All of a sudden loads of soldiers start shouting, blowing horns to let the sky people know there was war. Spears and arrows where thrown and shot at people.

All of a sudden the boat started speeding forwads. We looked into the water and it wasn't stopping.

"Whats happening?" Tuk shouts.

"I don't know" I look behind me and see a large rock. "Shit! Hold on" Lo'ak shouts, we all grip onto the railing even though we have been cuffed. The boat hits the rock and we all get lifted into the air. I hear tsireya and Lo'ak screaming but tuk is crying.

The boat lands back in the water but it starts tilting, it starts to sink. I start to panic. Tsireya yanks her hands trying to break free but fails.

"What are we gonna do?" Tuk asks. At that moment We heard a noise. Neteyam jumped onto the boat. He smiles at us and runs over. He cuts tsireya's cuffs and Tuk's. He walks over to Lo'ak.

"Who's the mighty warrior now?" He laughs.

"Bro!" Lo'ak laughs, neteyam walks over to me and carefully cuts the cuff. "your welcome" He mocks before i could thank him. He starts to walk off but lo'ak stops him.

"I think spider is the Tough guys weakness, if we can get to spider maybe we can stop this" Lo'ak shouts. Neteyam stands there deciding. He turns to tuk and tsireya.

"Go quick, get Tuk to saftey" Neteyam says to tsireya who nods frantically before diving in the water with tuk.

We all run off to find spider. I felt my body burn up, why would spider betray us? My parents basically raised him. We grew up with him and he does this to us. So not cool. I was so caught up in my thoughts that i didn't realise the corpsed body infront of me. I trip and I feel a gushing pain in my leg. I realise it was the same leg that i injured a couple days ago.

"Shit!" I mumble biting my cheek trying to gulp back the slight pain. I hold my leg and let go before standing up.

"You okay?" Lo'ak asks placing a hand on my shoulder.
"fine" I say and he cracks a cheesy smile. We continue carefully walking, we hear talking and hide behind a wall. Neteyam sees a pistol on the ground.

"Dad teach you how to use a gun? " He asked me, neteyam chuckled because he knew that i only really used bow and arrow like my mother.

"Once, years ago" I reply, he passes me the gun. I try to remember how to use it. I check the amo, full. I aim it at the two people. I shoot one before quickly hiding behind the wall.

"Who's there!" A man shouts. I turn back and see him holding a rifle. My dad has one. I shoot but miss. The man starts shooting. We end up running inside the boat.

We climb onto what looks like a metal ladder but into just straight forwards. We crouch and quietly walk towards a small crowd. Lo'ak points at spider. I slowly point the gun at spider, but neteyam puts a hand on the gun. I lower it a we all jumo down onto the sky people.

Neteyam takes a gun and hits someone in the head with it, lo'ak shoots people and i stab someone.

"Did you have to kill them?" Neteyam asks throwing his arms in the air. We turn to spider. Ij was 100% sure i was glaring at him in a deathly way.

"Hey guys" He mumbles.

"You son of a bi-" i start but we get cut off by gun shots. Neteyam pushes us towards a wall. Sky People start shooting at us. Lo'ak uses his gun but neteyam takes it off him and starts to shoot people. After a while neteyam shouts run. We all run to the side of the boat and jump out into the water.

"dude that was crazy!" lo'ak shouts.

Neteyam jumps in the water. He starts struggling.

"I've been shot"


 𝑂𝐶𝐸𝐴𝑁 𝐸𝑌𝐸𝑆 ✰𝐴𝑜𝑛𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟✰ (𝐴𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑟)Where stories live. Discover now