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The boat was getting closer by the second. Once we mounted our ilu's we swam like hell. I gripped onto Aonung's waist tightly trying not to slip. I turned my head to remove my hair from my face and i notice small submarines following us. Is shout under the water FASTER!Which made me swallow loads of water. The ilu's speed up and i could feel currents of water shoving against my body. We go side to side fast. Twisting and turning in different directions. I had a really bad headache after a while. I noticed a large area of long seaweed. A tap Aonung gripping my other hand to his waist still. He nods to let me know i have some of his attention. I point to the sea weed.

he signs to the others.

We all rapidly turn into the sea weed. I look behind us and luckily we are slowly loosing the sky people. We then again twist and turn in the sea weed. After a while our ilu's get tired. Teh sky people are far behind so we have a chance of swimming away. Everyone dismounts their Ilu's, and starts frantically swimming away. Everyone turns one way but tuk turns the opposite way. I follow her and we eventually arrive at this flower pod we swim up and it has water at the bottom and air at the top.

Me and tuk both Gasp for air. I look over at her and put my hand on her head.

"Are you okay?" I ask before pulling her into a hug.

"Im scared" She says her voice gentle

"I know Tuk. So am i, but we have to be strong. We have to be brave. Okay?" My voice trembles again and she clings on tighter.

"Look we will stay here for now, when did you even get here?" I ask

"Kiri and i noticed you were all missing. We thought you went swimming but we made a mistake. I wish i was at home." She said tears rolling down her cheek. Thats when i notoced the ear peice behind her ear.

"Hey whats that?" I point at her ear.

"Kiri gave it to me before we left" she says holding it in her small hand. I sigh from relief. I gently take it from her and connect it to my ear. I channel kiri hoping she hadn't lost it at see

"Hello? This is Y/N. Over!" I say. No response.

"Hello! This is Y/N! Over!" i say more annoyed.

I hear a buzz

"Hello? Kiri?" I ask

"Y/N?!" Lo'ak shouts

"Lo'ak!" Im so happy to hear his voice

"Where are you? Is tuk with you?!" He asks

"Yes she is with me. Look we are gonna contact mom and dad stay there, okay?" i say

"Y/n this is neteyam! Whatever you do dont leave okay! They could be anywhere." neteyam says quietly.

"Okay, this is Y/n signing off, over." i say before disconnecting teh channel. I try to connect it to my mom's channel.

"Hello? This is Y/n and tuk. OVER!" I yell quietly.

"Y/N!" my mom shouts.

"Shhhh! Be quiet!" I whisper.

"whats going on, where are you baby?" Mom repeatedly asked.

"Mom, get dad to alert cheif. They're here and they're chasing us. Im with tuk and we are safe at the moment. Kiri, neteyam and Lo'ak are with the others, please send someone me and tuk are scared. Its dark and cold.." I say worried.

I can hear my mom gasp. Its very blurry but i could hear her calling my father.

" Jake. Its Y/N and tuk they are hiding from the sky people" she was almost in tears.

"baby girl? Are you safe at the moment?" jake asks very stern.

"Yes, we are hiding in a yellow pod thing."i whisper as tuk clings onto me again.

" Okay listen to me. Stay there and don't move. You will be safer out of sight. We will be their soon okay? " he speaks in a calm tone trying to calm me.

" Okay"I realise that tears are streaming down my face once again.

" i love you, stay safe. "jake signs off.

I take a deep breath. My heart pumps fast and my throat feels like it is in a knot. I wipe my eyes. I look down at tuk who is in even more tears then me. I hug her tightly stroking her hair  and singing her a quiet lullaby to calm her

( A/N  Listen from 0:50 for singing, also this is the only foreign lullaby that i could find that actually sounded good so yeah.)

I finish singing to her and she stopped crying.
She had a normal slow breath and was very focused on her surroundings. We both look at the water and see a shadow. Tuk leans back onto the pod putting her weight on it trying to pull herself up. I do the same.


Out come Tsireya and Lo'ak. They look at us with smiles trying to paddle. I never thought I'd be so happy to see my twin brother.

"Lo'ak you scared the shit out of me" I hugged him to which he hugged back. I can't help but smile at him. I swim over to tsireya and hug her too  "i see you sister" she says "I see you too." i have such i wide smile on my face.

"Wheres Aonung and roxto, wait what about neteyam and kiri! Where are they?" I frantically question.

"Safe" Tsireya responds.

"But i think the sky people know we are here. We gotta move."

"We can't! Mom and dad are searching for us. If they come here and we have left, they will nevery find us!" Tuk whisper shouts.

"Well they won't find us if we are dead either!" lo'ak says.

We all take one deep breath before swimming like hell. Lo'ak grabs his ilu and i grab mine practically jumping on it tuk gripping on my waist i notice tsireya almost get taken until lo'ak saves her. We start swimming in the same direction until we get caught.

We are pulled abover water. Three Men or should i say "Na'vi" cuff us to a metal fence.
We all try yanking our hands from the cuffs but we fail. I hear loud footsteps. Familiar ones.

"We meet again. Kids, your father shall be hear any moment now." Quaritch growls at us in a nasty tone.

I hiss at him and he pulls out a tazer.

"Hiss again and there will be problems." He crouches down to my height.

"do we have a problem? Y/N?" he mocks.

"Skxawng" I hiss at him.

He slaps me round the face. "ever call me that again. It will be alot worse than a slap," he grabs a dagger out of his pocket.

My ears fall low. Quaritch walks away.

"You okay?" Tuk asks

"Yeah im fine." i respond.

"Woah" Tuk gasps and looks behind me, i turn and see an army of people.

This really is the start of a war.

 𝑂𝐶𝐸𝐴𝑁 𝐸𝑌𝐸𝑆 ✰𝐴𝑜𝑛𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟✰ (𝐴𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑟)Where stories live. Discover now