TL-01 [The Transience of Life and the Pursuit of a Lasting Legacy]

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Oft do I wonder, what the masters of the future
Will think of us? Will they in sorrow steep,
Dwelling in swamp of bitter tears, or will
Our crying dissipate like morning breeze?

Today the echo sounds, but tomorrow, gone.
Like water through the fingers, all decays.
Even voices die, and words are also lost.

As I these thoughts do ponder, despair doth take hold of my soul.
But fear not, dear friend, for though our time may pass
And future generations may not know our names
The love and actions that we took will last
Like footprints in the sands of time, eternal flames

So let us live our lives with purpose and grace
And leave a legacy that future masters will embrace
For though we may not be here to see it done
Our influence on the world will live on and on.

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