Clingy ~Minho

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It was 7pm I usually go to bed early so I was getting a little sleepy , Minho wasn't back from his little thingy he had to do , I finished washing the dishes and take my blanket and phone and charger upstairs to our shared bedroom .

I immediately go to bed .

I was sleeping peacefully until , I felt someone holding me really tight causing me to wake up feeling like I can't breathe I looked to the side and I saw Minho. I tried to talk but I can't breathe properly so I forced out and got off the bed causing him to groan and wake up
"Ynie where are you goinggg?" He asked me in a cute sleepy voice , "I seriously cannot breath minho " I replied to him , he sat up got off the bed and started to hug me once again tightly "Hunny I don't mind if you cuddle me but not so tightly ". I told him "sorryy but can we please go back to sleep ?" He asked me and I got back on the bed and patted the side next to me and he also got on and we countined to cuddle but this time finally he allowed me to breath. I got up early as usually and brushed my teeth and went downstairs to eat.

I was deciding on what to eat looking up what I can eat on tiktok and pintreast . I heard a cry from up stairs and I quickly ran upstairs into our room and barged in "What happened?!" I said panting from running to hard.
Minho looked at me with teary eyes and rushed to me and hug me "I woke up and you weren't there " He told me
For some reason Minho was acting clingy he has never been this clingy before something was up and I was going to find out.

"Of course I wasn't there sweetie i was making breakfast well trying too " I said giggling "Oh. Well atleast wake me up next time " He said in a baby voice , "are you feeling ok minnie?" I asked him and touched his forehead his temperature was fine to me "Why wouldn't I be " He replied back
"Ok no offense but your acting really clingy not like I hate it im just asking "
"That's because I miss you so muchhhh " Minho said and pulled me into a tight hug I literally couldn't breath
"K I missed you alott too minhoo but I can't breath " He finally let go of me and rushed downstairs

"Last one downstairs has to wash the dishes for 2 weeks !" He said then quickly started running downstairs
"Hey no fair you got a headstart!" I say then rush downstairs .

As usual I lost and now I have to wash the dishes. I finally found out what to make i could make a Korean dish called Bulgogi i started making it while minho was back hugging me the entire time .

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