aftercare ~ Felix

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You wake up , slowly opening your eyes you felt cold as Felix turned on the AC before going to bed with you . You guys were making love last night and it was obviously so hot so that was why .

You felt somebody's warmth on you , looked down to see Felix in between your chest and tried to shy away but he felt warm  you felt him move indicating he was awake he lifted his head up to see you

"Morning" He whispered before putting his head back into your chest area
"M-morning " you felt your cheeks getting hot because he was in between YK . "F-felix?"
"Mm?" He replied to you in a sleepy voice
"Aren't you hungry I can make you s-something " you guys were new to this stuff so you still felt shy showing your body,  you tried to make up a good excuse to get tf out of there
"I am but I wanna rest my head in between here a little longer , it feels nice " you almost choked on your words
"L-lixiee" you whined making him look up at you seeing your red cheeks making him chuckle
"Is my love shy?" He asked teasingly putting his head back .
" I needa make food " you said then pulled away making Felix whine out loud from the lost of contact
"Noooo a few more minutess" He used grabby hands towards you as you tried to get up

And as soon as you do  , fell
"Ouch" you groan out landing straight on your face
He looked at you worried
"To rough last night ?"
You just scoffed lifting your head up
"You think?"
He got up and helped you get up as he held your arms
When you realized you were still chest naked you grabbed your shirt that was laying on top of the bed over your chest and Felix tried to remove your hands
"How many times do I got to tell you , no need to shy away from me your beautiful. " The last words made your heart flutter at the thought.

You quickly pulled on your shirt and rushed downstairs , well attempted to but you ended up falling again for some reason your legs felt stiff
"Felix , what did you do to my legs ?" You said wincing in pain as you kept falling on your face he helped you up again and gave you a piggyback ride
"Sorry again" He told you putting you down on the kitchen counter and went to the fridge to look for something to eat

"I'm not eating THAT" You say emphasizing the last word looking at the vegetable disgustingly
"It is good for you ! Plus your legs hurt this will help you"
"Yea I wonder why they hurt ? And no!" You tried to get up to leave but you fell straight on your face AGAIN but not so hard
"Owie , my legs are betraying me right now " you cried out and Felix sighed before picking you up and placing you back on the counter
He pecked your pouted lips.

"Just eat one ?" He asked
You shook your head no

He chuckled before leaving , confused you waited he came back
"Eat." He said in a deep , sexy tone making you choke on your spit
"Eat it now . I'm serious yn"
You opened your mouth to eat the vegateble you hated the most and swallowed
"Good girl!" He patted your head
How can he act like that like he just didn't talk to me LIKE THAT?!

"Now what do you want to do today ?"

"Your mom " you replied back

"Your not funny yn..anyway still love you ", he pinched your cheeks

"Can you massage my legs ?" You ask him , squeezing your sore legs they felt terribly sore and so stiff you couldn't move them without being in extreme pain
He rested his hand on your thigh before pressing it down lightly
"Owieee" you winced out in pain
He sadly sighed and picked you up placing you on the couch then bring a hot towel and place it over your thighs 2 on each .
"It stingss"
"I should have done this last night but I was to tired , im sorry love "
You cupped his cheek
"Hey it is ok . It's just sore m-muscles ,"  you started out stuttering on the word trying to get up but the pain didn't let you
"I'll be fine "
You kissed him before resting back

He took of the towels and cracked his knuckles before warning you
"This will hurt so I'm sorry "
He started to roughly massage your legs
"Ouch! Owie owie OWIE LIX" you cried out as he beated your legs so ever so rough

He even used his elbow , his legs , his hands all the above just to massage your legs

He lifted one of your legs up and pushing the other one down creating pain from the already sore leg
"Ouch!!! F-fuck." You moan out as he continously does this

He gave you a few light kisses on your head before carrying you back to bed you were feeling tired and the pain on your legs got wrost because Felix was massaging it so roughly but you knew it would get better when you woke up .

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