Heartrob Bf ~ Felix

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It was passing period or basically break time you were putting your stuff away with your bestfriend , Mina standing next to you leaning on the locker waiting for you .

Then you both heard girls screaming you guys turned around and saw and bunch of girls crowded and screaming you , you obviously guessed it was your boyfriend Felix and his little friends
Hyunjin , Minho , Seungmin and Chan . [If I could put all the members i would but I want them only to be in this imagine -A/N] You just rolled your eyes and went back to your locker your tired of people drooling over your boyfriend knowing he was your boyfriend but you trusted felix even tho he has a record for being a playboy .

"Oouu there is your manz ynie" Mina said while lighty nudging you .
"Whatever Mina I'm hungry let's go to lunch " you said as it was time for lunch . You go to lunch and see the huge line
"Shit " you cuss under your breath knowing you have to wait along time . You were still waiting with Mina until you saw your boyfriend and an idea was lighted into your mind . "I have an idea Mina wait here " you said then you quickly rushed over to Felix and his friends which were at the entrance
"Hey Lix? Can you do me a favor?" You said with pleading eyes "of course he would say yes ynie anything for his sweet , cute girlfriend " Chan said making the others laugh .
"Fuck off " Felix said then pulled you away from them so you can finish your sentence " What favor ?"
"Can you help us get to the front of the line?" You asked him he just smiled at you and made his way over to the line , you winked at Mina singling she should follow yall .

Thankfully the girls obviously made room and all of a sudden you were at the front of the line. You gave Felix a peck on the cheek making the girls huff in anger . You ordered your meal with Mina and were looking for somewhere to sit , there was 3 options
1. Sit at a table with others
2.Sit with Felix and his friends at the chill spot which was basically known as their spot or
3.Eat on the rooftop
"This is a hard one what do you think Mina?"
" I don't know what do you think ?!" She said back to you

You guys were about to go on the rooftop until Hyunjin said
"Why don't you ladies sit with us ?" You guys smiled wanting to say No but Mina didn't want to be mean so she forced you to say yes with her eyes .
"Sure why not " You said with a fake smile , you and Felix just started dating like 2 weeks ago you were still shy and didn't want to have much interactions for now . You sat next to Seungmin while Mina sat next to Felix since that was the only spot left .

You guys were peacefully having a meal and small talk , you take a glance at Mina seeing she was a bit uncomfortable you sigh to yourself and said
"Mina let's switch ?"
"Sure "She said then you both got up and switched seats making you sit next to Felix and Mina sitting next to Seungmin
"Finally you guys sitting next to each other almost seemed like you guys were avoding eachother " Minho said the others agreeing "Yea Yn have you been ignoring our lix ?" Hyunjin asked with an eyebrow raised .

You look at Felix knowing he also wanted an answer to he obviously noticed how sometimes you never wanted to be near him . You then look back at others .

"Me? Avoding Felix no way ! I just talked to him today !" You said
"Yea in the first what how long has it been ? Yea almost 3 weeks " Chan said
"Bet 100 dollars that Yn doesn't even have Felix's phone number " Seungmin said
You pursed your lips knowing you didn't have his number .
"How about we give yall some alone time ?" Mina asked and the others agreed and left to eat on the rooftop leaving you and Felix alone making you internally groan .

"Do you not like me ?" Felix asks you clearly sad
"Lix what kind of question is that of course I like you !"
"It doesn't seem like you do , your always running away from me , you were the one who asked me to be your boyfriend ."
You started to get sad knowing you fucked up again .
"No no lix thats not what I'm trying to get here im just nervous !"
"Sure you are " Felix said then got up and left to the rooftop .

You trash your meal , you lost your appetite and chased after Felix he was already sitting down with the others at the roof and you pulled him aside and pinned him against the walls where nobody could see you guys.

"Lix don't ignore me . I'm sorry ok ? " You said not wanting to loose him
"There is so many pretty girls out there yet you choose me I never said anything because I thought I would say something that would make you hate me " You said looked down feeling tears corrupt your eyes .

He pulled you in for a tight hug
"I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't like you ynie "He said hugging you.
You guys both finally had your first actual kiss , the others cheered , secretly they were eavesdropping on yall as usual.

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