Prince Bf ~ Hyunjin pt2

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It was the next morning and Yn and Kilna was planning to go back to the palace to do some stuff until they got news.

"So guys the visit is canceled until Saturday! I have no idea why !" The head coach said to you both

"Its ok Yn Saturday ! Yes sir thank you for letting us know " Then the head coach walked out and shut the door behind him.

"No Hyunjin today."

Yn said the sat down sadly , Kilna shortly sat next to her

"It is ok Ynie , it is not forever!" Kilna said while rubbing Yn's head .

"I'm not worried about not going , hyunjin really wanted me to come i just have to text him " yn said then pulled out her phone.
Hyunjin my bae 💕
Hyunjin ?

Yes ynie?BTW the way where are you guys it is past 6am I was about to call you .

We can't come today...

Why not? Did something happen should I come over?

No its ok , I honestly don't know why they said until Saturday sorry love but atleast we spend the night that day .

Aw man I really wanted to show you something I guess I have to wait then .

I'm sorry jinnie I promise later.

Nah its not your fault we will see eachother soon yea ? I gtg luv u bye

Mhm . Love you too bye.

Yn dropped her phone feeling terrible.
"What did he say ?" Kilna asked while coming back into the room with a wet towel

"I feel so bad kilna...he said he had something to show me he seemed so sad :( "

"Ynie your acting like your never going to see him again . You will soon now turn that frown upside down before I make you do so " Kilna said , then automatically attacking Yn with tickles making her mood go up!

A few hours later , they heard the doorbell ring.

"Ynie can you go get that please ?" The head maid asked

"Sure Mom " You call her Mom because she is like your mom.

You dried your hands and opened the door you saw hyunjin and you immediately step out closing them door behind you.

"Hyunjin what the hell why are you here? " You asked him

He just stared at you for a while then started roughly kissing you making you moan in between the kisses .

He finally pulled away after what seemed like forever
"Hyunjin what are you doing ?" You said out of breath

"I missed you " Hyunjin said with a pout "We saw eachother yesterday Hyunjin , you need to leave before the Head Maid sees us !" You say then started pushing him towards his car.

"Fine you better be out her 2am !"


"So I can spend some time with you !" He said then went into his car after giving you a million pecks.

You started to think .

Wow , he came all the way here for me?

Kilna interrupted you.
"Yes he did how cute "

"Kilna?! How'd you know ?! I didn't say that out loud did I?!" Yn said shocked

"I am your bestie I can read your thoughts anyway let us go back inside before Head Maid sees us " Kilna said then joined her arms with yn and they started climbing back up to the stairs and into the welfare community again.

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