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"This is very bad..." Ruffnut says as Alexis walks up to her with two cups of water and sees Snotlout on the ground.

"What's bad?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Tuffnut is gone!" Ruffnut says in alarm.

"What!? We gotta find him!" Alexis says worriedly as she drops the cups of water she was holding.


"I don't know if Gobber got it all. I'm starting to feel a little woozy and all I see is fog." Snotlout says as he is with the group with Alexis and Ruffnut.

"It's foggy you muttonhead. Hurry up Snotlout before Tuffnut jumps off a cliff or something!" Ruffnut says in alarm.

"You think he needs a full Lycanwing to remember all the nasty stuff I said to him?" Snotlout asks as Alexis shifts to wolf form.

"And who's fault is that? Yours. You started this so you can help look for him and for your sake let me make this very clear. If you don't die from this venom you would be wise to not go doing this again cause if you do you best hope you can out run me." Alexis says as she looks at Snotlput snarling before sniffing the ground.

"I am Lycanwing! Run, run for your lives...!" Tuffnut says as he pops out of nowhere startling the group.

"Ah! Ah no get away from me!" Snotlout shouts in alarm before Tuffnut runs off.

"Oh come on. Tuffnut!" Alexis shouts annoyedly.

"Tuffnut! Get back here! I command thee...Lycanwing! Oh...slow down! Slow down..." Ruffnut shouts as the group chases Tuffnut as Snotlout runs in the opposite direction.


As Alexis and Ruffnut catch up to Tuffnut they find him preparing to jump off a cliff with his chicken.

"Tuff! Don't do it!" Ruffnut shouts.

"Please! We care about you. Just come over to us and we'll talk about this." Alexis says worriedly.

"Ugh! We've been through this Chicken! Don't try and impersonate my sister or the girl I like. We made a pact! I'm doing it and you're coming with me." Tuffnut says as he looks at Chicken.

"Tuffnut it's us! Look at me bro! You can fight this!" Ruffnut shouts.

"Tuff please!" Alexos shouts.

"I can't. You don't know the hold it has on me. It has its claws on me." Tuffnut says as he looks over at Alexis and Ruffnut.

"What if we fight it together? We do everything together. We always have! Look I refuse to spend the rest of my life doing anything alone. Do you hear me?!" Ruffnut shouts.

"And I promised I wouldn't let you face this alone. Please Tuff just step away from th edge." Alexis says fearfully.

"You always were the brave one. Mom should have named you Tuffnut. And Alexis. Sweet Alexis. You always were a brave and fearless one. I admire that about you." Tuffnut says.

"But she didn't name me Tuff. She named you Tuff. I'm begging you! And you know how much I hate to beg just get down from there!" Ruffnut shouts.

"Tuffnut please! It's dangerous!" Alexis shouts.

"It's too late to stop the metamorphasis,. Can you not see what I've become?" Tuffnut asks.

"Tuff stop! There is no metamorphasis alright? You are not turning into a dragon. Fishlegs pelase tell him." Hiccup says as he and Fishlegs arrive on their dragons.

"It's true! We found the cave of the Lycanwing. It was just a myth to keep people away from these!" Fishlegs says as he shows the group some Dragon Lens.

"No. No! I don't believe you. Look at me. I'm hideous. I'm terrifying!" Tuffnut shouts.

"Tuff! You're not hideous! Terrifying at times yes. Hideous? No." Astrid says as she arrives with Stormfly and Gypsy.

"Astrid is right. You look fine Tuffnut. Even if you were changing you'd still be our friend. You've always been our friend no matter what." Alexis says.

"Well then how do you explain this? Can't do it? Can you, hm? That's what I thought. Now it's time to fly!" Tuffnut says as he shows the bite and begins to head toward the edge.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! Wait! I can explain! I can explain it!" Snotlout shouts as he comes over.

"Whoa. You look worse than I do." Tuffnut says.

"Uh Snotlout? What do you have in that bag?" Hiccup asks as he sees Snotlout holding onto a bag that's moving.

"I have what did this!" Snotlout says as he shows he has now been bitten.

"Ah! The Lycanwing got him too. Save yourselves!" Tuffnut shouts in alarm.

"It's not a Lycanwing. It's not even a dragon! It's a wolf. And I caught him. You're not turning into a dragon Tuff." Snotlout says.

"I'm not? I'm not!" Tuffnut says happily.

"That's what we've been trying to tell you." Hiccup says.

"I just made you think that! But it's not true. It's funny but it's not true." Snotlout says before the ledge breaks sending Tuffnut falling with Chicken before Gypsy and Toothless grab them.

"Oh thank Thor." Hiccup says in relief.

"Good girl Gypsy. You too Toothless." Alexis says as she help pull Tuffnut and Chicken up before hugging Tuffnut as Ruffnut runs over and joins the hug.

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