First Kiss

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First Kiss

Emily's 15th birthday wasn't as happy as she had imagined. Her Father promised her to come back home for her birthday after two years away and She was so excited about it.

She wore her new pink dress to school, because she knew how much her daddy loves to seeing her as a princess, his little beautiful princess.

Spencer, Hanna, Aria and Alison decorated her locker with big balloons and a huge poster.

She looked completely happy and for the first time Alison saw her Emmy, the only light in her darkness world. She couldn't keep her eyes away from Emily and she didn't know why. They had been friends for almost two years but Alison never felt that huge feeling inside of her.

But in some point of the day Alison saw Emily's real smile, has been replaced by that puppy sad face.

She didn't doubt, Alison grab Emily's hand and as soon as the halls get empty, She pushed Emily to an empty classroom.

'what are you doing? ' Emily asked softly

'What's going on, Em?' Alison asked

'No...nothing' She said

'Em, it's me... Ali, you can tell anything'

Emily walked away and she sat on the first empty chair.

'He's not coming back'

'Who,Em? Who's not coming back?'

'My dad... My mom called me an hour ago, He's stuck in London,He can't arrive on time' She said while her tears streamed down her cheeks.

Alison wipe Emily's eyes, grab her hands again.

'Come with me' she said softly

Emily followed her, they walked for almost an hour.

'Where we are going?' Emily asked

' To our spot'

'Our spot?'

Alison didn't answered, she just led Emily through the trees.

15 minutos later, They were on the famous kissing rock.

' Where we are?'

' This is The kissing rock'

'The..the kissing rock?'

'Since My Friend Cece, told me about that place, I've been thinking about Who I wanted take here... and the only person who I want to share this place with, is you '

Emily sat in the rock and listened every single word Alison said.

' Thanks for making me feel special' Emily said

'You are special Em, you should feel that way every day of your life...'

Emily didn't say anything She just leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Alison's lips'

When she realized, what She has done, she tried to Apologize but Alison just put their lips together, in the most innocent and sweet way.

They didn't say anything, They just were there, sitting alone, with fingers interlaced.

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