It should've been us...It can be us, if you want to

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warning: That one-shot is kinda sad, if you can't handle Emily in pain; Please take it carefully.(Even if at the end everything fall in their place)

(First request: Emily jealous of Lorenzo)

Nobody said it will be easy, She doesn't expect that , no after all that they have been doing to each other; but after Alison forgave her, She thought that eventually they would talk about their feelings. The sad thing is that meanwhile Emily took care of A's puppy, somebody saw the real Alison and He take advantage of the situation to impress her.

Saw them walking around, laughing, working together in that church thing, makes Emily feel sick of jealousy.

"That should have been us" Emily thought, looking at how Lorenzo was flirting with Ali.

They have been there for a while, playing pool.

"Damn it, I'm so bad at this" Ali said laughing

A sad smile crossed Emily's face, She'd been missing that laugh, even she had been dreaming about it.

"You're not that bad" Lorenzo said, you only need a little bit help

Emily's body froze at those words, and She found herself praying to a god that may not exist. It was quite painful to see her happy with someone else. She did not want to see how that person touched the skin that was forbidden to her.

Five minutes left to remaining to finish his shift at the brew, but when Lorenzo stood behind Ali, to help her hit the ball. Emily threw her apron and left the cafe with a fury that consumed inside.

She wanted to scream, cry, hit that dumbass as hard as she can, because He was taking away the love of her life; but She realized that She didn't have the right to do that. She doesn't have the right to take Ali's happiness from her, even if she knows that She can make her happy too; at least She wished She could make her happy.

She doesn't know when she started to cry, she didn't realize that, until she felt two warm hands wipe her eyes.

She rise her head and her eyes found the sky in two beautiful orbs which was looking at her, with all the affection that they could.

"Em, what happen?" Ali asked genuinely worried

"Nothing" Emily said and took her eyes away from Ali.

"Both of us know that's not true" Ali said slowly

"If you know everything, I don't have to explain myself. Now you can go, we don't want to make Lorenzo wait for her girlfriend"

In other moment, Alison would have been pissed because of Emily's behavior , but in this case, she just laughed.

"Awesome" Emily whispered.

She doesn't expected to see the old Alison come back, at least not with her.

Emily turn around and started to walk to her car, but a hand, took her wrist firmly.

"You don't have to be jealous of him" Ali said

"I'm not jealous of Him! " Emily said angrily

"You can try to lie to you, but I know you better than anyone; and I know when you're jealous"

"Okay, You're right; I'm jealous, I'm Jealous of him because He have all I have been wanted my whole life. I'm jealous because He can touch, hug and kiss you whenever he wants and I can't. That should be me, It should be me who takes you everywhere, who kiss you, who hold you when nightmares come again, who makes you laugh ...I should be the one...It should've been us"

Alison don't say a word, because she knows words won't make Emily's demons go away. She took Emily's cheeks with her hands and kiss her like she always wanted.

She don't even care if people watch or judge her. All She wanted was show Emily that SHE'S THE ONE, no matter who came, She will always be THE ONE.

They stopped the kiss when their lungs begged for air.


"It can be us, if you want to. I was giving your space because I thought you need to stay away from me, after all we've been through, but I never stopped to love you. I can't life without you but I didn't wanna push you into something you are not ready to... or something you don't need to. I'm not that girl anymore, but I'm so sorry for making you think that Lorenzo had any chance" Ali took Emily's hands and intertwined her fingers with emily's.

"Nobody is gonna have a chance, Em; because it's you... you're the one who I have been waiting my whole life"

"Don't ever let me go" Emily whispered against Ali's lips

"Never, princess"

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