Forever and Always Part 2

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Wow 3.2k ....that's crazy! So thankful for all favorites, comments and votes. Here's the final part. I hope you like it.

Btw English is not my first language, so excuse me if there are some gramar mistakes.
After three weeks, nothing had changed. Alison had been saved in that operation, but She hadn't woke up yet.

the doctors were so worried about her situation but Emily still had faith, Emily still has faith in Alison. "She will be back, she always do " Emily said over and over again, like a mantra which keeps her in calm and focused. She didn't move from Alison's room for days. She wanted to be there when Ali Wake up.

She has been spoken with her wife all the time. She told her about the trips and the things they wanna do when She wake up. She also told her about their past and obviously She told her how much She loves her.

But everything changed one week later. Everything changed the day they make their first month of marriage.

Emily was talking about one house in their neighborhood, the owners are moving to NY and the price was least for who can have the money. She can imagine Sam and Lauren playing in the backyard while Alison is in her lap, watching how their children have fun.

- That' sounds like heaven to me-Alison said softly before open her eyes.

-Omg, babe! -Emily scream happily

Emily suddenly start to cry and Alison wipe her eyes.

-I thought that I had lost you-Emily confes.

-You will never lose me, I promise- Alison said looking straight to Emily's eyes- you don't know how much I missed those beautiful eyes.

-I love you so much- Emily said before kissed he wife.

[Six years later]

Alison was sitting in the front porch of her house in Santa Monica, which Kenneth gave to her, after Alison's graduation, just two years after She almost die in a car accident.

She remember that day like one of the best days in her life. Yeah, She almost die, but also it was the day when Emily asked to marry her, and that's all she matter about that day.

She's looking at the foreground where her little Sam is playing with Jazz, a little Shelter whose father is Pepe

-Sam, stop now, you're going to hurt him-Alison said while she was looking at her little son playing with the little puppy.

Sam looks at her momma and gives her a big smile and She can't resist smile him back, because that little boy earned her heart just a few minutes after have born, when He surrounded with his left hand one of Alison's finger.

She loves him since the first moment that the doctor said that they were pregnant(because even if the only pregnant was Ali, that boy was their child, the emison child) She won't accept that she cried when she heard sam's heart for the first time. But in that moment when she knew that She would do anything to keep him: safe, sound and happy; was when her little boy wrapped with his little hands one of Alison's fingers.

Pepe came to the porch and he sat by Alison's side, waiting for some caresses behind his ears or in her back. When Ali saw him, immediately caresses his head and she didnt stop until, He run beside Sam who accidentally stepped on the little puppy. Pepe stood between Sam and Jazz, trying to protect him from his own child.

Pepe grabbed Jazz by his nape and took him inside the house.

-Mommy- Sam screamed when he saw how the dog separated him from his playmate.

Alison walked into the foreground and take him into her arms.

-Mommy why pepe don't let me play with Jazz? He hates me?-Sam asked with tears in his blue eyes.

Sam was the perfect mix between his moms. He had emily's hair, eyebrows and skin but Also he had Alison's eyes, nose, mouth and that adorable dimple in his left cheek.

-Baby, He loves you with all his heart.

-Then why he won't let us play?- He asked sadly

-Babe you hurt Jazz, He was going to bite you, so Pepe protects you until Jazz forgets You stepped him .

-I should apologize with him?- he asked

-You should, but not now. It's time to take a bath and dinner

After two hours Sam was trying to don't fall asleep in Alison's lap.

-Babe it's late

-I'm not tired- He said yawning

Alison smile at him and kiss his forehead.

-That's not what I'm seeing

- I wanna see mommy before go to bed, She was reading me a fairytale.

-Babe, mommy is busy in the hospital, she won't be here early, but I can read to you.

-No, Fairytales are mommy's thing. can you sing to me?

-Sure babe.

Sam lowered his head and wrap his arms around her mother's neck, leaning his head against her chest.

-You look tired babe, sleep time ?-Alison asked softly

-Yeah- he said before fall asleep into his mom arms.

Alison went upstairs with Sam in her arms, and once she arrives at her son's room. She lies him down and Sing a couple of songs to him. When she turned around, Alison saw her wife, leaning against the door frame with a big smile in her face.

-I wasn't able to come early, I'm sorry-she said

-It's okay, I understand.

-But he not...

-Em he's only 4 years old, he wants play with you all day, but one day He will understand, how much You've done for us.

Emily leaned her forehead against her wife's forehead and she sighed heavily.

-What i've done to deserve you?-she asked while

-That's why I ask myself every single day, What i've done to deserve both of you.

-You never given up on us

Alison smiles and intertwines her fingers with her wife's fingers and She pulled EMILY into their room.

-I missed you- Emily said softly while she was caressing her wife's cheeks.

-I missed you too- Alison said leaning down to kiss his only love.

-Baby I think I wanna marry you- Emily said against Alison's lips.

-Damn, I wanted to say that first- Alison said

-Then just ask it.

Alison smiled at her, She got down on bended knee and ask softly

-Emily Catherine Fields will you marry me?-Alison said looking straight into her eyes.

-of course I do, I mean... I 'll do it over and over again

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