Twice is better than one

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7 months can go as fast as a breath and Even if Emily was enjoying every step of Ali's pregnancy, She really wants to know how their baby looks, how soft is his skin, how his smile can illuminate even the darkest day...She just want to hug him and do all those things parents do with their children.

She was in the police station making those boring reports when She got a call from Hanna.

-hey Banana- she said with a smile.

Since The girls found about Ali's pregnancy (because Spencer and Hanna couldn't wait till They told them and they spied them until they eventually knew everything about it) they took turns to keep an eye on the old queen bee of Rosewood.

-Move your ass Fields, your baby is coming- Hanna said.

As soon those words crashed in Emily's brain, she took her stuff as fast as she could and drove to Hospital where everyone was waiting for her.

Everyone said Hi to her but Emily ignored them and went straight to Ali who was in a wheelchair, trying to remember how the hell those stupid Childbirth classes are going to help her now.

-How are you feeling babe?- Emy asked, taking Ali's hand between her own

-Rude much Em- Hanna said

-Shhh- Spencer and Aria said at the same time.

If there was someone who you call biggest Emily and Ali fan was Aria and since Ali propose to Em in front of the whole Rosewood, Spencer got the second place after Aria.

-Is that a gay thing ? Hanna said in clearly reference of how Spencer and Aria relationship grew up from friendship to ... something that They really did not defined...yet

-I've been better

-I've been better- Ali said trying to give Em her biggest smile, but you could see the pain behind that smile.

-You don't have to pretend around me, babe- Emily said before kiss Alison forehead

-I'll be better when I have...- Alison cut her speech before words slip out of her mouth.

-Babe, Why I have that strange sensation of You are hidding something to me?

-Because I can't lie to you and you are so good at reading me.

-Tell me- Emily said with her soft tone.

- I will... just not now, you have to wait but it is gonna worth it.

-Everything with you worth it- Emily said looking straight to those ocean blue eyes where sometimes she get lost.

3 hours later some nurse call Emily to get her to the maternity ward where she found TWO little babies who has Fields-Dilaurentis as their surname.

-I don't understand- She said in lower voice

-She did not want to keep it from you, but since you get so sad because You always missed all appointments, She doesn't want you to hate yourself because you missed the sonograms-Pam said to her daughter while she keep her eyes on her grandchildren.

-I would not..

-Emmy... I know you and so as Alison.

Emily laughed while tears come to her eyes, remembering how her wife spent the last four months talking about girl and boy names, about neutral color to the baby room, not even mention about the INSANE amount of clothes that Hanna and Ali got for them.

-She said that my Children will be so lucky to have me as her mom, children.. plural. How can I not figured it out?

-That's not the important think Em, you have two lovely, adorable and healthy childs. Thats all it matter.

-Can you keep an eye on them? I have to see someone.


*toc toc*

-Can I come in?-Emily asked

-Baby- Alison said

Emily practically run to her wife and kiss her passionately.


-That's for be the perfect wife and for give me TWO perfect children.

- James Wayne Fields-Dilaurentis and Jessica Pamela Fields-Dilaurentis. You should know your babies names.

Emily smiled to her wife and kiss her again.

-I love you-Alison said breathless

-I love you too.


Sorry for getting me so much time to update but I was so frustrated about my writing 😔😔 I hope you like it. Don't forget about do request and let me know if it was good enough.

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