3: Awkwardly Adorable

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TW: homophobia, abuse, violence

*luigi pov*

"I always knew you were one of those fags." Mario spoke angrily, yet calmly as he dragged me to his room. "Now tell me, what were you doing with Peach in her room?!" Once we got to his room, he slammed the door shut and punched me in the gut.

"I ASKED YOU A QUESTION, ASSHOLE!" He yelled, slapping me.

"We were just hanging out! I swear Mario!"

"In a dress?!" He looked me up and down, i was shivering, both from cold and fear.

"We were just joking around!"

He grabbed the rim of my underwear and slid them down, "Yep, just as I suspected, you're a man. Men don't wear dresses, if you don't know." He hissed. I felt uncomfortable, a wave of nausea running through my body is. His anger phases were never this bad.

"Now, i'll ask one more time. What were you doing with my girlfriend in her bedroom!?"

"Nothing!! I swear on my life Mario!" He raised a fist, about to punch me, when the door busted open, Cabby, one of the roads working in the castle yelled "Bowsers coming back!"

I quickly pulled up my undergarments and ran back to Peaches room, which was thankfully pretty close. I was glad to see she had already put on my clothes, ready to put our plan into action. She had already picked out another dress for me, and I smiled, seeing that it was the one I had eyes before.

"Quick!! Put it on!" She spoke, eyeing some of the bruises around my wrist and waist as i grabbed the dress and slid it on, the satin soft against my thighs. The sleeves hung off my shoulder, and there were beautiful leaves of gold around my chest and waist. I loved it more than the first. Peach was running her thumbs over the gems embedded into her crown. She looked up and me and gasped,

"You look so pretty.. err... handsome? I dunno, you look really good!" She smiled

".But what about my hair?" I ran a hand through it.

"Just say you lost a bet or something, or just wanted a change of pace." She suggested

I nodded and she held out her crown to me, "Take it. Please be careful though, it's the last thing I have from my mother," I was about to push it back when she said, "I'm not offering it, i'm giving it, I want you to wear it so you seem more real. My mother is dead, I can't bring her back, but you're alive, and I love you." She smiled.

"I love you too Peach. You're my best friend and i'm so glad I have you." I took the crown, gave her a hug, and set it on my head. At that moment, there was a loud bang, as her balcony door, leading to the outside burst open. Bowser stepped in and walked up to me. My breath caught in my throat as I looked up and him. He held out his hand to me and said one word.


Peach looked at me, and stepped into the role. "No! You can't take Hiier!" She yelled, almost using the wrong pronoun. Bowser growled and wrapped a hand around my waist. He looked at me, and it looked like he mouthed 'i'm sorry' before running outside and jumping back onto his ship. Mario ran in at that exact moment and started screaming at Peach. That's when a wave of fear came over me. She would have to take my place. In everything. She would have to suffer the abuse normally inflicted upon me. Shit. I started trying to worm my way out of his hand, but then I remembered i was in his hand. This was everything I had dreamed of. But what was the cost?


As soon as we got there, he showed me to my room, which was across the hall from his. The room looked like it was made perfectly for Peach, everything was white and pink. It looked like it was made just for her. It was a huge room, with a canopy bed in the middle and a huge walk in closet on one of the walls. I stepped inside of it and saw many dresses along with a few suits and t-shirts and just casual clothes. I turned and looked at bowser.

"If you don't mind, I think i'm going to change into something more comfortable." I tried to keep my cool.

"Oh- Oh yeah! That's totally fine!" He backed away awkwardly. "Dinner will be around 6:30."

As soon as he left the room, I collapsed onto the floor, sobbing. What had I done. Peach is probably really hurt right now because of me and i'm here feeling happy. Dammit, i'm a horrible person. I stood up shakily and looked at all the choices of clothing. My eyes landed on a giant white and pint t-shirt, that would probably hang down to my knees, and a pair of shorts. I slid them on and looked at myself in the mirror. I saw a stranger, someone I didn't recognize. I walked over to the bed and sat down on it. I stared at the ceiling for what seemed like hours before I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I hollered, and Bowser stepped in. He stomped over to the bed and I sat up. He sat down at the foot of the bed.

"I like your hair, it's different, but it looks good on you." He smiled awkwardly.

"Thanks, you're so sweet." I smiled

"You look different too." He looked me up and down, trying to figure out what was off.

"It's probably just the hair. Hair can change a persons entire appearance." I spoke nervously, but I wasn't really wrong. He shrugged it off an continued, "Anyway, I just wanted to see how you were settling in."

"It's very comfortable here." I smiled.

"I tried to make it comfy for you," he said, "but you probably won't be staying very long." He sighed.

"I hope not. It's very cozy." His eyes lit up as i said that.


"Really." God, he was adorable, but he was in love with someone I was only pretending to be. I'll have to tell him eventually, but not now. "So, what do you guys do around here for fun?" I asked.

"Eh, nothing much. We have a lot of things to do in the town, though it does get kind of hot."

I laughed, "You don't say." The entire kingdom was surrounded in lava.

"Maybe we could go out there together sometime?" He asked nervously. For someone as big and scary as he is, he sure had a lot of anxiety.

"Of course! That sounds fun."

"Do you maybe wanna go watch a movie in the castles theatre room?"



"Sure! We can do it now if you want."

"Oh ok!" He stood up and held out his hand, which I took. We walked down there and sat down.

"What do you wanna watch?"

"Surprise me."

So I sat there, with Bowser, for almost two hours watching "Into the Woods"

I couldn't be happier. But I can't say the same for Peach.

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