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⚠️ Smut & Foul Language Warning⚠️

G: Okay i'll see you there *winks*

On the car ride to the school Gisele has a lot to think about. This can't become a regular thing. The women have only known each other for like two weeks. How much is so much in two weeks. I mean both of the women just got out of long relationships so maybe there just clinging onto each other as comfort. Is it real or just a temporary safety blanket.

Gisele deicides that she's gonna speak to Morticia about drawing a fine line. She wants to see if this is real or if just light messing around.

• • • • •

The school day starts to go by smoothly. Gisele takes over to speak a few times but mostly just observed. After the first blocked finishes that's when she decides she's gonna say something. Which probably isn't the best idea because it could go one of two ways and they still have one class period left.

G: So I have something to tell you but I don't want you to take it the wrong way

M: What's up darlin

G: Since this is my first year student teaching I think it would be best if we took a break with "this" *motions to point at one another* I think that I just need a clear head space starting this whole new journey and chapter of my life... I want to get everything situated before I go screwing it up because I let my feelings take over... At the end of the day your supposed to be my mentor and I know you said nobody follows the rules but I'm new so who knows what Larissa Weems would do to me if she found out I broke the honor code... I would probably get fired... This isn't me saying I want to throw this out the window and never look back.. I just think that we need to build a sense of mentor- mentee relationship i'm supposed to be learning throughout all of this

M: Hun calm down it's okay... I completely understand... you know what you need .. I'll be here whenever your ready and here as your mentor

G: Okay that's lovely to hear I thought you might be mad.. like I was just leading you on or something and that's not the case at all...

The sad was Morticia was kinda hurt by this news. It's not like she expect them to be together overnight but it just felt like this was a break that wasn't ever gonna end. The older woman did how understand at the end of the day she is supposed to be the bigger person. She's the mentor and Gisele is the one who's being taught.

• • • • •

As clocks work and the sun rises and sets days, nights, weeks, weekends, and a few months go by. The women keep a professional relationship nothing ever escalated past that. There was a few times where Gisele just wanted to blurt out that Morticia could have her but she kept her word and continued to stay strong.

It was now the end of the first nine weeks. The first quarter has now just ended. Gisele has gained the confidence to answers students questions while Morticia caught.

The point was coming near where Gisele was gonna decide if she wanted to resume what the women had going on or just continue the profession classroom mentor- mentee relationship. She knew that she couldn't do this any longer. The blonde was craving the touch of the older woman. Her fingers have barely ever touched her but the times it did left her speechless. She couldn't stand anymore time without them.

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