twenty nine

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⚠️Smut & Foul Language Warning⚠️

Today is Gisele's first day back at Nevermore. Morticia new she was gonna be filled with nerves because everyone was talking about what happened to her. There was also no hiding the fact she had a huge cut across her throat.

Morticia made sure to wake her girlfriend up a little earlier today so she'd have more than enough time to get ready for the day. She went down, made them both coffee then headed back up to wake up Gisele. Lord knows it's better than hearing an alarm clock to wake you up at six in the morning.

M: Good Morning Princess *she gently shook Gisele*

G: *she rolled over facing the other way*

M: You have to get up baby *she said while rubbing her back*

G: *she groaned then rolled back over facing her girlfriend*

M: *she held her hand to the side of her face* I know baby but your gonna have a first day back no matter what day you go back so might as well get it over with and make the most of it

G: *she opened her eyes* I know... I know.. it's just i'm not ready for all the drama and i'm obviously gonna have to see.. *she rolled her eyes*  and it's not like I can avoid people

M: How about let's just get ready and put the door and think about what you can control

G: *she nodded then reached her arms out*

M: *she leaned over and hugged Gisele*

G: *she groaned after she let go*

M: I'm gonna get ready let me know if you need anything

       All the thoughts spiraling through Gisele's head as she got dressed. She could already imagine people coming up with all these weird ass ideas of how she got the cut on her throat.

       She would forget at time about the cut on her throat. It wasn't until she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Moving her head side to side, looking at different angle of the cut, and touching it. Thinking how did she even let that happen to herself.

      Morticia peeped in the doorway from a distance to see Gisele just starring off the in the mirror. She walked and grabbed around her waist from behind. Her head sat on her shoulder, staring at Gisele in the mirror. She kissed her neck.

M: Your so beautiful... never forget it

G: *she paused then stared at her girlfriend*

M: What is it? *she said with a concerned look on her face*

G: It's stupid...

M: I doubt that..

G: You say things along those lines to me often and ... I don't know it's like now.. i'm actually starting to believe it.. not like believing you but like that I actually might be... you know...

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