It's Okay - Jisung x Minho

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Hot take; read the warnings and don't complain. They're there for a reason.
Piss, praise, scent, cock warming, sub-space
TW/ Described suicide method in the book Han is reading.

Relationship: Engaged
Top: Lee Know
Bottom: Han
Word Count: 1599
[EDITED - 10/08/2023 23:19 BST]

Jisung layback, a pair of circled glasses sat on the bridge of his nose as he buried himself into a fantasy world. His fiance sat behind him, muscular arms resting around his naked waist as he watched the Disney cartoons in front of him. Soft chuckles caused the younger's body to shake lightly, Minho had always loved Donald Duck and it always brought a smile to Han's face. The book placed in Jisung's hands was about a gay couple fighting for their relationship in a country where it's forbidden. He had gotten through most of it without crying, okay maybe he cried a few times in secret, but he knew fine well there wasn't going to be a happy ending for either male. A lot of the reviews on the book were of heartbroken teenagers sobbing their hearts out about how the story ends. And that's exactly where he was in the book, the tragic ending. Both boys held each other's hand while they doused themselves in petrol and set themselves alight - no matter how beautifully descriptive the writing was it made Jisung tear up at the imagery, tears falling down his cheeks as he tried to stay silent in his lover's grasp. He didn't want to lose him, especially not in the way these two boys lost their lives and their partners. Jisung was lucky to have relatively accepting parents, they didn't mind he was gay, they just didn't like Minho. Minho was seen as the bad kid throughout their childhood, they were always so reluctant to have him over - well that was until Jisung became a horny teenager and started sneaking him in the window for meaningless makeout sessions and blow jobs.

Back then it was meaningless, but now they realised it meant the world to them, all those forbidden touches had got them here. They had been dating since Jisung turned eighteen while Minho was twenty after a few months of experimenting. Yes, they had a few disagreements but they wouldn't change each other for anything, the past five years of their lives had been the best. Tears made their way down fluffy cheeks and onto a set of hands, he had long forgotten about them while reading.

"Honey? What's wrong, dear?" Minho's voice was soft, concern lacing his words as the sudden wetness hit his knuckles.

"Nothing, just the book," Jisung whispered, embarrassed about how stupid it sounded. Lino reached for the book, placing the bookmark in it before moving it to the side.

"Look at me," Minho said, spinning the younger one to face him, "It's not real darling, it's a fictional book you're okay," Han gave a soft smile before pushing his face into Lino's shirt. The thought of being fucked while holding his shirt to his nose taking in his perfect scent didn't sound so bad. Speaking of being fucked, just the thought sent him down.

"Minnie, wan' be full," Minho tilted his head at the sudden slip but soon enough narrowed it down to his smell.

"Okay baby, do you wanna cock warm me?" Jisung nodded frantically while taking off his pants and waiting for the other. Once Minho had got himself situated he grabbed some lube and started to stretch the younger with one finger. He gently brought it to the rim of the muscle before pushing in slowly, a long moan being drawn out of Han.

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