Fear Factor - Jisung x Minho

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Predator/Prey, Roleplay, Masks, Fear Kink, Piss, Cock Stepping, Cum Denial/Slight Edging, Stomach Bulge, Clowns, Dacryphilia, Knives (not sexual), Dubious Consent (it was all consented before the scene)

Relationship: Dating
Top: Jisung
Bottom: Minho
Word Count: 3531

"Morning, Sungie," Minho groaned, walking into the kitchen and hugging his waist.

"Morning, handsome. I made pancakes," Jisung smiled, pointing to the table. "Eat up, I'll wash the dishes and be right there," Minho nodded and slumped on the dining chair. They were recording their new music video today but he was exhausted. They made quiet talk while they ate, Jisung finding himself pinning Minho to the shower wall for a quick makeout while they cleaned.

"I'm so tired," Minho whined, head dropping against Jisung's shoulder.

"So am I, nap in the car and we'll get some coffee when we're on set. Okay?" Jisung offered, pecking his nose.

"Okay," Minho smiled, climbing out and passing him a towel. They were in the van almost fifteen minutes later, both passed out while they went to collect the other boys from the dorms. They all clambered in around the couple, arriving at the set two hours later. Once they were all dressed up Minho was feeling more alive. His cat-like tendencies were less obvious to everyone but Jisung now as they went through the recordings.

"Jisung," Minho whined, curled up in the dressing room. Jisung chuckled, sitting beside him after the makeup touch-ups.

"What's wrong?" He asked, hugging his bicep since they weren't allowed to ruin the way the outfits lay.

"I hate clowns, you know this," He huffed, rolling his eyes. The other backup dancers were also in the room. The masks hung up on the wall in front of them. Jisung smiled, lacing their fingers together. He gently kissed his nose. tracing his knuckles back and forth.

"Look at me, just focus on me, yeah?" Minho nodded, their eyes meeting. "Wanna take up that offer tonight? We'll be shooting with the clown masks for a few days, love," Jisung smirked, holding his other hand.

"Fine," Minho blushed. Jisung chuckled and held his jaw, pressing their noses together.

"I love you. I'd never do anything you don't want me to," Jisung hummed, lips brushing together as he spoke.

"I know, and I want to do it. I was thinking about it a few days ago and... yeah," Jisung smiled, his eyes full of love. Minho whined and hit his shoulder. "Stop staring at me like I'm your entire world and say something,"

"But you are my whole world," Jisung mumbled, pecking his nose again.

"Come on, boys. Last shot for today, and then we can go home," Chan called through, the two climbing off the seat and heading out.

"Remember, they're not real. They can't do anything to you. Okay, bub?" Minho nodded and pecked him with a smile. The rehearsal had a few mishaps with the clown masks. Minho even cried, but Jisung got him back on his feet and comforted him. The filming went fine, and as soon as they were in their 'home clothes' Minho crashed on top of Jisung on the couch. "Ah, I'm taking one to practice in the mirror tonight," Chan chucked him one, heading off with the rest of the members.

"How... how is it gonna happen," Minho mumbled, cuddling him.

#---Scene Starts Here---#

Jisung fumbled through the back alley, strapping the mask around his head as he searched around for the phone he'd taken from the man he killed a few nights ago.

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