Stalker me pls

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Two weeks later...

I hate school.
No really, I hate school!

I get out of bed when my 7am alarm rings. I take a shower and put on my school uniform. It's made up of a white shirt, pleated skirt with blue and red stripes and a blue tie.

I slip my favorite black hoodie on and tie my hair in pigtails, put on lip gloss and eyeliner.

I walk downstairs and make cereal for Danny and I. After eating, I drive Danny to his school before going to mine. I park in my usual space and get out only to inhale the scent of adolescent hormones.


"Enam!" Keyshia jumps me. "Key, I'm not a morning person." I groan. "Mmhm but you look good in the morning." She comments.

"That's because I put effort into it." I say.
"I like your new hair." She's dyed it blonde and straightened it.

We walk towards our lockers as she fills me on every gossip detail that I care the least about but are always interesting. Keyshia has a way of making boring things uhh not boring.

"So, what did you do this summer." She asks. She had gone on a vacation to the Maldives where part of her relatives stayed so we didn't really chat during the break.

"Absolutely nothing. I can't say looking over my mom's coffee shop is an interesting activity. At least I had Josh. He bickers a lot but I kind of like throwing back insults and cussing at him." Weird.

"Speak of the devil." Keyshia sighs. She hates it when Josh interrupts us cause she'll be the one who has to pull us apart when a fight starts.

I open my locker and put my bag in taking out the necessary items for my first and second classes.

"What's up babe." Josh leans on my locker before I can even lock it. Our faces are just inches away.

"The day hasn't even started, give me a break from your face." I sigh.
"Who in the world would want a break from this face." He moves his face closer to mine.

"Me." I say when our lips are almost touching. I push him aside and lock my locker before pulling Keyshia towards our first class so we wouldn't be late.

"Wait for me!" Josh yells.
"Oh hey Keyshia, what's up?" He moves to her. She makes an annoyed face ignoring him. Another reason why Keyshia dislikes Josh is cause he kissed her at a party not because he liked her but because he thought she was someone else. That shit must hurt.

"Enam can you tell Keyshia to stop ignoring me?" He asks.


We arrive at our classes where I had a different class from Josh and Keyshia. "See you later girl." Keyshia winks and flips her hair Infront of Josh before entering her class. Josh slumps following her in while I chuckle.

There are only two seats left in the back so I slip into one right before the teacher walks in. He begins his two hour lecture after a fifteen minutes inspirational talk about senior life and universities.

My head is down when someone walks through the door and greets Mr. Maxwell. A few whispers erupt making me lift my head up to see the person.

It's Adrian and he's wearing the school's uniform. I blink twice to check if it's actually him-it is.

"Introduce yourself mister." Mr. Maxwell eyes Adrian's piercings. He has perfectly done locks falling over his face to conceal a bit of his dark eyes and a hoodie on but zip open. He looks quite sexy.

"I'm Adrian Paulson." He says ready to find a seat but he gets stopped by Mr. Maxwell. "Is that all?" He asks.
"Yes Sir." Adrian says respectfully earning a nod from him. Once he turns, Adrian rolls his eyes and walks towards the seat next to mine. The whispers begin again but die down when Mr. Maxwell's gives a warning glance to the class.

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