He's dangerous

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Adrian kills the engine Infront of my mom's lively shop. She doesn't usually go to work on weekends so that means I don't have to explain why instead of coming there with Keyshia, it's rather with a guy.

"Your mom's shop looks cozy." Adrian smiles looking through the wide glass windows.
"It is cozy." I say. "Do you want to come in?" I invite him. He looks like he would but his expression changes when he looks behind me.

"I want to but I have to keep an eye on my little sister you know." He says. I turn around to see Josh standing too close to Adrian's car glaring daggers at him. They seem to be having this silent conversation without me.

To avoid any boy fight or argument since these guys look like they parted with bad blood I thank Adrian again and wave him bye after stepping out of the car.

Josh doesn't wait for us to get in before he begins to rant. "Why the hell were you with him? Did he harm you? I thought you were kidnapped and there was nothing I could do about it."

"No he didn't harm me Josh." I chuckle.

"Shut up and hug me." He says before engulfing me into a hug. Woah! What would he do if I went lost for more than a week?

"Let's go in." I tap his back.
He inhales before letting go and leading the way into the shop. Deciding to spend sometime here, I take an apron and slide it over my head. Josh ties the belt in the back without me asking.

Why is he acting so weird?

"So tell me what you were actually doing with that guy." He asks calmly this time. I sigh.

I narrate the story of what happened after I walked away from him at the party. He literally swore on his life to find the bastard and cut him into pieces which he can't do cause he's just built for swimming.

He got quite though when I told him that Adrian beat up the guy and saved me.
When I told him that I woke up in Adrian's bed he got really pissed, but how was that my fault?

"Did he touch you?" Josh asks.
"Not really. We just had breakfast and spoke about random things." I honestly say.

"Don't get too close to Adrian." Josh warns.

"Why? He seems cool." I groan.

"Trust me. I know him from middle school, he's not good for you." He runs his hand through his hair.

"Did something happen back then?" I ask curiously. Something must have really gone on between the two of them.

"Obviously, but I'm not telling you." Josh's demeanour changes into a smirk. "Wait don't tell me you guys liked eachother." I wince.

"Hell no!" Josh yells attracting attention from a few customers.
"Sorry." He apologizes to them with his charming face and turns back to me.
"Why would you think that?" He makes a gagging reaction. "You were giving off those old couples vibes anytime you guys did eye contact." I confess.

"Do we make eye contact?" He asks himself. I nod a yes. "Anyways then what happened?" I push.

"Enam, we were best friends." He says with a sad smile. Woah! I was so not expecting that. "Geez. What happened?"

"I'm not telling you okay." He gives a distant look. "Come on." I give him puppy eyes. "Don't even try it, they don't work on me or on anyone for that matter." He admits.

I quit trying and slap his chest lightly. "You can keep your secret Josh but I'll still hang out with Adrian cause I think he's cool." I say before attending to a new customer at the desk.

"Enam, think of it as the same way I warned you about the pineapple punch. You can get paralyzed by the effect of how strong the drugs in it are. Relate that to Adrian." He tries convincing me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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