Pineapple punch 🍍

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The week went by very quickly.
It was a typical life of Enam Moore except the fact that there was a new guy who seemed to change the topics everyday.

On Tuesday, Keyshia found out that apparently his Dad is some loaded businessman with two other wives aside Adrian's mom but that was a rumour not so out in the open. I don't know how she managed to get that information but she told me it's from her secret sources. I didn't care to know the rest.

On Wednesday, I heard the girls in the bathroom talking about how he used to be a playboy in his previous school. Well that's obvious. The anonymous girl said she has a friend who knew the quality of his know.

Anyways on Thursday, Everyone was talking about seeing him making out with Monique Torres, Captain of the Cheer Leaders, so cliché. I have disliked Monique's guts ever since I stepped foot into this highschool and she reciprocates those same feelings to me the same way. She's a mind twister and has almost half of the boys coiled around her middle finger. Her backups of cause are the other cheerleaders but I know most of them hate her ass because of her bad personality but are too afraid to show or admit it cause her daddy gets her anything she wants with the snap of her fingers. Even if it means ruining someone's career or chance of getting into an ivy league school.

In junior year, I had the guts to make a big show in the cafeteria by spilling hot cocoa on her when she attempted to bully Keyshia over some guy. That sent both of us straight to the principals office and she wanted to press charges against me but backed down when she found out that my dad was the head of police. Her family must be into some illegal shit. Ever since then she wouldn't want to make a fight with me. Bitch.

If Adrian truly made out with her then he's going to be one of the boys Monique played, or used. Poor guy.

I was tired of hearing about him every turn I made and Keyshia was not helping at all. Josh didn't even care to listen. He went about with his daily activities and focused a bit more on his swimming as an extra curricular for more grades.

I did make a lot of eye contact with Adrian in the halls and sometimes during class but we didn't get the chance to talk cause he was always so involved in his cliché of popular kids and swooning bimbos.

Why do I sound upset though? I'm not, I swear but I felt like we had a connection at the pool. That feeling washed down the drain the moment he stepped into our school.

"Hey Mrs Lynch." I greet Keyshia's mom. She's a single mother with three grown up kids but she manages to look good at all times. Her brown hair looks blow dried and curled up. She has red lipstick smudged on and is sporting a black dinner dress with red low heels.

"Hi Enam." She gives me a warm smile fixing her bangs by looking through a silver spoon.

"Where are you going mom." Keyshia asks with a knowing smile.

"Uhh a date." Mrs Lynch says. "With?" Keyshia smirks. "Oh looks like I'm late." Mrs Lynch picks up her keys and literally runs out of the house.

"Keysh, you scared your mom off." I chuckle. She shrugs and pulls me up the stairs. "We have an hour to get ready girl. We've gotta give them something to look at. " She cups my cheeks.
"Let's do this." I feel the party energy run through me.

She opens her wardrobe and brings out a short revealing dress and black boots. "Mine." She smirks pulling it away when I reach for it. I know she's going to give me something that will turn heads and at the same time make me regret.

I brace myself as she pulls out the next set. It's a short blue dress. It's fitting and there are way too many criss cross's on it. In the back, stomach area and my cleavage. My eyes gleam as I scan the dress. "I'm going easy on you with the shoes." She gives me a wedge shoe.

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