Rihanna's a keeper

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A sharp pain goes through my head when I open my eyes. The room smells oddly nice, like after shave.

I push myself up with the covers still over my body cause the whether is unbelievably cold. My eyes scan the room and bulge out of their sockets when I realise it's neither keyshia's nor mine.

Before I can freak out, the door opens with Adrian dressed in a blue shirt and sweatpants. He looks sexy and homey at the same time. "Don't freak out!" He holds his hands up.

"Where the hell am I?" I start.
"In my house?" He shrugs walking towards the bed.
"Why?" I ask.
"You passed out."
"You were drugged."

The memories from last night come rushing through my mind and I hug myself. I almost got raped! My head begins to ache making me wince.

Adrian tries to touch me but I move back. "Don't get close." I say uncomfortably. Guys are beginning to look like monsters for me.

He sighs moving to open a drawer and brings out aspirin tablets. "Swallow these. It'll reduce the headache." He gives them to me.

" Thanks. " I take and gulp them down.

I attempt to climb out of the bed but stop when I realise that I'm in my underwear!

I gasp meeting eyes with Adrian. He gets the message and coughs weirdly. "Why are my clothes off? Oh my gosh did you undress me?" I panick.

"Don't worry I didn't peak." He rolls his eyes. "What do you mean you didn't peak? How did you do it then?" I whisper yell.

"Okay. I peaked, I saw, I ... Well you gagged all-over your dress. How would you feel sleeping in your vomit?" He crosses his arms flexing his muscles.

I'm lost for a bit but move back to his face. "I'll give you my clothes and later on you can return them." He suggests moving to his wardrobe.

He hands me a hoodie and sweatpants and stands there waiting for me to change into it. I roll my eyes at him. Can "I get some privacy?" I shoo him. "Come on, I've already seen you know.." he groans. "Out." I wave him of. He rolls his eyes before exiting the room.

I hop out of the bed and put on his clothes. They smell exactly like him. I walk into his bathroom, wash my face and use the mouthwash. When I feel secure about myself, I walk out of his room to find him waiting outside.

He looks me up and down. "You look good in my clothes." He mouths. It sends shivers down my spine. "Let's go." He takes my hand and leads me downstairs.

"How did you know I was in that room at the party?" I ask him when we arrive in the kitchen. He's silent for a moment. "I didn't know. I just felt that something wrong was happening and it turned out to be true. " He gives me a glass of water.

"Thanks." I gulp it down. "So what happened to the guy?" I ask curiously. "I beat him to the pulp." He smirks. I smile sadly, remembering what the stranger said. He must've been really high on drugs to think I were someone else.

"Here's your phone." Adrian slides it out of his pocket. My eyes bulge out as I open it and find forty missed calls and fifty unread messages from Josh, Keyshia and my parents.

I quickly open dad's messages:

Why aren't you picking up your calls

Remember your curfew

Don't do alcohol

Pick up your calls Enam

Keyshia called

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