one. the question of the jugsons

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~the question of the jugsons~

VIOLA JUGSON WAS plummeting through the depths of an inky abyss

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VIOLA JUGSON WAS plummeting through the depths of an inky abyss. Or perhaps it was reaching out its own arms to drag her into the nothingness of a silent chasm. Down, down, down she plunged until finally her feet landed on an invisible something

The quiet at the bottom was a bitter thing to behold. It consumed everything so that the world itself didn't exist. A darkness to choke even the sun.

As though a curtain to be pulled back, the shadows parted to reveal a slip of light. The sudden change assaulted her vision, blinding her momentarily. She stepped through the gap after recovering, ensuring no part of her touched the fluttering black shroud. It was lost to her what it was, but its silent flickering warned of a covert danger. Her footsteps were muted, but that only amplified the shout that echoed when her body emerged into the illumination.

"HELP!" it yelled, drowning itself in the cry of pain that followed.

When Viola turned around, any sign of the darkness was gone. There was only ahead, a piercing brightness straight in the direction of commotion as the scream came again.

She hurried forward at the sound of it this time, beckoned by urgency. Where before there had only been dark, now there was only light. The intensity squeezed her eyes with every step, but she couldn't close them. Not here, and not now.

As the yells grew closer, the white surrounding her was punctured by splashes of red. Blood, splattered all around, thickening the further she ventured forward, until it coated the area in vast splotches. Viola quickened her pace.

She came across the source of the shouts at last: it was Sirius, bound with chains and bleeding from a large gash in his head. His eyes popped wide, veins running blue through his scarred skin.

"Help me!" he gasped, and some more blood dripped from his mouth, all along down his chin. A tiny puddle of it had formed on the ground in front of him.

Only, when Viola took a step forward, it wasn't Sirius at all. It was Cedric, his Hufflepuff jersey torn and the skin beneath bruised. His cheek was cut open, dripping blood down to stain the yellow and add to the splash on the floor. But when he opened his mouth, it was actually Edwin kneeling there, his small hands yanking at the metal, a black eye and a busted lip dripping red. And then he was Ron, then Hermione, then Harry and —

"You know what to do," a voice whispered, smooth as velvet while it wove through her head.

Did she? She knew she wanted to help Harry, wanted to get him out of here before anything bad could happen. Knew she had to save him. He wasn't injured yet, not like the others had been. There was still time to help.

You know what to do.

She did.

Viola grabbed the wand from her pocket and pointed it at the boy in front of her. It felt right to extend her arm like this, a stretch so pleasing that she wondered why she hadn't thought of it a few moments ago. 

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